moko256 / twitlatte

Twitter and Mastodon client for Android
Apache License 2.0
102 stars 13 forks source link

Twitlatte app permanently suspended by Twitter (still usable for Mastodon) #54

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Sigh. Twitlatte can no longer tweet or retweet. Hoping I won't have to resort to the mobile interface...

I also tested and can confirm that today I can't do any actions using Twitlatte.

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Twitter is restricting twitlatte's api key. I sent the request to cancell it.

ckuethe commented 5 years ago


Me too.

49 makes me think ... could you add an advanced option for users to fill in their own API keys (I have a few for some of my private tools)

moko256 commented 5 years ago

I got the reply from Twitter:

Thanks for reaching out. Your app was restricted for sending a large volume of unsolicited and/or repeat @mentions. This is prohibited by the Twitter Rules:

Spam: You may not use the Twitter service for the purpose of spamming anyone. What constitutes “spamming” will evolve as we respond to new tricks and tactics by spammers. Some of the factors that we take into account when determining what conduct is considered to be spamming are:

if you send large numbers of unsolicited replies or mentions; if you send large numbers of duplicate replies or mentions;

Note that this behavior is not allowed regardless of whether or not it is automated. Per the Automation Rules if you are sending automated @mentions the recipient or mentioned user(s) must have requested or have clearly indicated an intent on Twitter to be contacted by you.

As a next step please respond to this email listing the measures that you have taken to limit this behavior on your platform.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Twitter Platform Operations

ghost commented 5 years ago

Your app was restricted for sending a large volume of unsolicited and/or repeat @mentions

According this rule, official Twitter clients should be restricted as well as Twitter website too. :-/

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Restriction was lifted by Twitter. Have fun!

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Note: To follow Twitter's rule, twitlatte will show some notice if user is sending too much @mentions instantly.

ghost commented 5 years ago

twitlatte will show

v1.8.1 coming?

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Yes, in a few days.

luciomarinelli commented 5 years ago

Restriction was lifted by Twitter. Have fun!

I am still having this issue; already tried to logout and login without results. P.S. Twitlatte rocks!

7heo commented 5 years ago

I too am having issues all the time with the twitlatte API key.


Me too.

49 makes me think ... could you add an advanced option for users to fill in their own API keys (I have a few for some of my private tools)

This is the only way to make twitlatte work reliably for all of us, as we can fairly expect twitter not to help and/or care, ever.

sirtao commented 5 years ago

Still happening :(

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Again restricted :( I've already sent request to Twitter, so please wait a few days.

7heo commented 5 years ago

Again restricted :( I've already sent request to Twitter, so please wait a few days.

How about providing us with a way to use our own API key, instead?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Again restricted :(

I've already sent request to Twitter, so please wait a few days.

How about providing us with a way to use our own API key, instead?

I temporary switched to Twidere and, as I know, it has such function

ckuethe commented 5 years ago

They still haven't unrestricted it. Being able to use our own api keys would be great

spaaaaam commented 5 years ago


I'm having the same problem here.


moko256 commented 5 years ago

I implemented new dialog to use your consumer key/secret. It is going to be released soon! Screenshot

moko256 commented 5 years ago

v1.9.0 released

madmuffinz commented 5 years ago

Is using the key available? I am on 1.9.2

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Is using the key available? I am on 1.9.2

No, it's not. Twitter hasn't reply me yet.

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Twitter lifted twitlatte's restriction.

ckuethe commented 5 years ago

It's broken again

moko256 commented 5 years ago

Rate limit is too few to post (like, retweet, tweet), because it is shared in all users. I'll send request to have it's limit increased.

7heo commented 5 years ago

Is using the key available? I am on 1.9.2 No, it's not. Twitter hasn't reply me yet.

@moko256 I think what @madmuffinz was asking is if we can already set a new API key in the version 1.9.2 of the software...

moko256 commented 5 years ago

@7heo You can set your API key in v1.9.2 when you authorize.

demolg commented 4 years ago

@moko256 it seems that the API key was limitted once again.

moko256 commented 4 years ago

@demolg I sent the request to lift the restriction to Twitter.

moko256 commented 4 years ago

Twitter lifted the restriction.

michaelprager commented 4 years ago

It seems the API key is restricted again

moko256 commented 4 years ago

This app was permanently suspended by Twitter. I've requested to lift a read restriction, but it was no good...

Thank you for using twitlatte.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Sad news. Guess I'll then "permanently suspend Twitter", and won't use it anymore. I've switched to Mastodon long ango anyway, and used Twitter read-only to follow some accounts not available in the Fediverse. Time to quit it seems.

Thanks for maintaining it so long despite the permanent trouble Twitter was causing your app, @moko256!

For those looking for other FOSS clients:

Afraid that's all – remaining FOSS clients are "long abandoned" (last update 2018 or before). If you don't care for trackers and Play Store, see my list for more alternatives.

@moko256 shall we update the description for F-Droid then? It currently reads:

SNS client specialized to read in chronorogical order. You can access Twitter, Mastodon and Pleroma with API. ''Twitlatte'' supports multiple accounts.

I'd suggest adding a note, pointing here and saying that Twitter "permanently suspended" your app and thus it's unlikely it will support Twitter (again) in the foreseeable future. Like:

SNS client specialized to read in chronorogical order. You can access Twitter, Mastodon and Pleroma with API. ''Twitlatte'' supports multiple accounts.

Note: Twitter has permanently suspended this app – so it's unlikely Twitlatte will be able to support Twitter in the foreseeable future.

moko256 commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft Yes, please. Thanks for your comment.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Gladly – and done, so it will hopefully make it into the next index (which already is overdue).

Thanks again for your app. Used it quite a while to access my old birdsite account. Now, as indicated, I guess I'll stop using Twitter altogether. Should Twitter (against all expectations) lift the ban again, please update this issue (or ping me from a new one), so I can adjust the app description at F-Droid accordingly again.

SaigyojiMiyako commented 4 years ago

I see. I'm deeply sad at Twitter's rejection of Twitlatte.

Mic92 commented 4 years ago

Please do not use these keys:

nuclearfog commented 1 year ago

I faced the same problem. My app got suspended two times because someone has extracted my API keys from the APK file and used them for spaming. The best way to protect your API keys is to use a string obfuscation library (e.g. with proguard enabled.