Open ManvithaPonnapati opened 1 year ago
We can add these kinds of file types to the force fields section in OpenMM (source):
We should probably use everything in the toppar folder except for the .crd file - "tip216.crd" (source. I don't think we should include "step5_assembly.str" and "step5_input_minimization.str" since they include information about the box rather than the force field itself. There is also a file called toppar.str in the main folder that we shouldn't include. It doesn't have the correct format for a .str file (it has a line containing "read" but never has a line containing "end" for the read to stop.)
I was able to run a simulation with the files above on the OpenMM GUI, but I changed some of the parameter of the simulation. I set "Non-Bonded Method" to "Cutoff, non-periodic" and "Statistical Ensemble" to "Constant Volume, temperature".
Figure out how to accept the force field fields from the charmm-gui
Charmm-gui files for opsin 3ug9 are here