molecule-man / telescope-menufacture

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Filtering on directory doesn't match search query #15

Open elebeaup opened 3 months ago

elebeaup commented 3 months ago

Steps to reproduce

For example, the home directory is /home/menufacture.

  1. Create a directory
  2. Open nvim
  3. Execute :lua require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.live_grep()
  4. Invoke search_in_directory action
  5. Type menufacture

Expected behavior Result should match what I typed

Actual behavior Directories are not filtered

I think it is due to the -a arg in the fd command. The full path is taken into account for filtering. If I execute :lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({find_command = { "fd", "-t", "d" }}), the filtering works as expected.

molecule-man commented 3 months ago

@elebeaup thanks for reporting this. You are right, indeed, -a causes it.

Fixed, please check.