moleculerjs / moleculer-channels

Reliable messages for Moleculer services via external queue/channel/topic.
MIT License
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amqp failed to reconnect #49

Closed me23 closed 1 year ago

me23 commented 1 year ago


Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.

Current Behavior

I start a service with amqp-transport (rabbitmq) and moleculer-channels listen to a given topic. If the amqp-server connection breaks than, molceuler-channels won't reconnect. Instead it always logs the following error-message:

[2022-12-02T13:22:49.483Z] INFO  my-service/CHANNELS: Reconnecting...
[2022-12-02T13:22:49.535Z] INFO  my-service/CHANNELS: AMQP is connected.
[2022-12-02T13:22:49.537Z] INFO  my-service/CHANNELS: AMQP channel created.
[2022-12-02T13:22:49.537Z] INFO  my-service/CHANNELS: Resubscribing to all channels...
ERROR my-service/CHANNELS: Unable to connect AMQP server. MoleculerError: Already tracking active messages of channel
    at AmqpAdapter.initChannelActiveMessages (/home/me/public_html/moleculer-channels-amqp-test/node_modules/@moleculer/channels/src/adapters/base.js:163:10)
    at AmqpAdapter.subscribe (/home/me/public_html/moleculer-channels-amqp-test/node_modules/@moleculer/channels/src/adapters/amqp.js:314:9)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async AmqpAdapter.resubscribeAllChannels (/home/me/public_html/moleculer-channels-amqp-test/node_modules/@moleculer/channels/src/adapters/amqp.js:496:4)
    at async AmqpAdapter.tryConnect (/home/me/public_html/moleculer-channels-amqp-test/node_modules/@moleculer/channels/src/adapters/amqp.js:215:4) {
  code: 500,
  type: undefined,
  data: undefined,
  retryable: false

Expected Behavior

As soon as the amqp-server is back online, the channels-module should reconnect to the server and start processing the waiting messages.

Failure Information

Steps to Reproduce

I've created a minimal-repo here:

  1. clone repos and change path to it
  2. if you don't have an Rabbitmq running on localhost you could start one with docker: docker-compose up
  3. start the service: node source/service.js
  4. restart rabbitmq: e.g. docker restart
  5. you get the error


Please provide any relevant information about your setup. This is important in case the issue is not reproducible except for under certain conditions.