moleculerjs / moleculer-cli

:herb: Command line tool for Moleculer
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After "call" command is successfully done, script is still running and never stops #71

Open tafel opened 1 year ago

tafel commented 1 year ago

I'm using this command to run a script from a CRON:


moleculer call \
    --ns="localdev" \
    -t "nats://nats:4222" \


echo "Done"

exit $RESULT

The test action is as simple as:

module.exports = {
    name: 'myservice',
    actions: {
        test(ctx) {
            return 0;

When running the script locally, logs show the returned value (here 0), but script doesn't stop. It's still runnnig.

Checking the call/index.js code of this repo, I see that when an error is thrown, process.exit() is called and script ends. But when everything goes right, the broker is stopped, but no process.exit() is called.

Because of that, CRON job can't detect the end of the script. After a few days, I have tons of CRON jobs running in the wild.

Should the successful call be followed by an exit code of zero, or should I explore an other way to say to my CRON "ok, job's done"?


tafel commented 1 year ago

Just digging in the code, and trying some alternatives, I've found that using a config file with stopped() method defined was doing the trick.


moleculer call \
    -c "/testconfig.js" \
    --ns="localdev" \
    -t "nats://nats:4222" \

And the testconfig.js file:

module.exports = {
    stopped() {
       console.log('broker stopped');

Is this a valid practice in this case? It is working anyway for my usecase :)

icebob commented 1 year ago

Nice catch, I will fix it, or if you have time, could you create a PR with the fix?

tafel commented 12 months ago

Maybe it is not as easy as it seems. I just added process.exit(0) after the broker stops. It surely stops, but with code 130 (using #!/bin/sh as 1st line of my script).

When using the config file, with process.exit(0) in stopped() method, it exits with code 0.

Any idea?

icebob commented 11 months ago

Yeah, I see, it's strange. Exit code 130 means it's interrupted by SIGINT