moleculerjs / moleculer-metrics

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Official monitoring & metrics addons for Moleculer framework
MIT License
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Jaeger UI <cannot-find-trace-name> #2

Closed imatefx closed 6 years ago

imatefx commented 6 years ago

If rest API request is successful I get correct trace name


If API request is error the trace name is " < cannot-find-trace-name > " also the api service is not listed


Is it related to setting parentCtx on moleculer context.js file?

Below is the metric data received on makePayload Function for a failed api request

{ id: '9cc98685-a241-4ce0-b4d6-a38867a0bc57',
  requestID: 'f92f5c36-0518-4808-b63d-cdeaa83ccbd5',
  level: 2,
  startTime: 1521729207551,
  endTime: 1521729208835.64,
  duration: 1284.639944,
  remoteCall: false,
  fromCache: false,
  params: { dbName: 'm1213' },
  meta: { username: undefined },
  action: { name: 'v1.db.create' },
  parent: 'f92f5c36-0518-4808-b63d-cdeaa83ccbd5',
  nodeID: 'win-n53jq-11308',
   { name: 'MoleculerError',
     code: 403,
     type: 'DB_CREATE_FAILED',
     message: 'Unable to create Db' } }
{ id: '9cc98685-a241-4ce0-b4d6-a38867a0bc57',
  requestID: 'f92f5c36-0518-4808-b63d-cdeaa83ccbd5',
  level: 2,
  startTime: 1521729207551,
  endTime: 1521729208896.2466,
  duration: 1345.246633,
  remoteCall: false,
  fromCache: false,
  params: { dbName: 'm1213' },
  meta: { username: undefined },
  action: { name: 'v1.db.create' },
  parent: 'f92f5c36-0518-4808-b63d-cdeaa83ccbd5',
  nodeID: 'win-n53jq-11308' }
icebob commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I will check it.

icebob commented 6 years ago

It's fixed in moleculer-web@0.7.0-beta2
