molefrog / wouter

🥢 A minimalist-friendly ~2.1KB routing for React and Preact
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Memory location does not include a search hook #447

Open fongandrew opened 1 month ago

fongandrew commented 1 month ago

When using memory location for testing purposes, query params returned by useSearch are ignored:

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { Router, useSearch, useLocation } from 'wouter';
import { memoryLocation } from 'wouter/memory-location';

function App() {
    const [location] = useLocation();
    const search = useSearch();
    return (
        <div data-testid="test">
            search is {search}, location is {location}

test('Test router', () => {
    const loc = memoryLocation({ path: '/foo?key=value' });
        <Router hook={loc.hook}>
            <App />

    // This fails -- we get 'search is , location is /foo?key=value' instead
        'search is ?key=value, location is /foo?key=value',

I assume this happens because no searchHook is passed to Router here, but memoryLocation does not appear to have one.

As a temp workaround, I can swap useSearch() with something like useLocation()[0].split('?')[1] or specify my own search hook with the query param built in, but it'd be nice not to.

molefrog commented 1 month ago

That's good point! What do you think about this API:

const { hook, searchHook } = memoryLocation({ path: '/foo?key=value' });
<Router hook={hook} searchHook={searchHook}>

// or more explicit
const { hook, searchHook } = memoryLocation({ path: '/foo', searchPath: 'key=value' });
molefrog commented 1 month ago

Added this to our feature backlog.

fongandrew commented 1 month ago

Yeah, returning a searchHook is what I'd expect here. As to the implicit vs explicit form, either works. Thanks!