moleium / DankMemer-Farmer

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how do i fix #8

Closed asdfawjbhsdhbasjindh closed 2 years ago

asdfawjbhsdhbasjindh commented 2 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Dank Memer Autofarm\", line 2, in from slashCommands import * File "C:\Dank Memer Autofarm\", line 3, in ws = websocket.WebSocket() TypeError: WebSocket.init() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'environ', 'socket', and 'rfile'

This is the error that it gave me.

moleium commented 2 years ago

You have installed the mistaken websocket library You need to use/install websocket-client instead of websocket.

First, uninstall websocket:

pip uninstall websocket

and then install websocket-client:

pip install websocket-client

Then, it should be solved.