molenzwiebel / Impostor

Automatic Discord muting for Among Us! No installs necessary, just enter the code, join the voice channel, and you're off!
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Make a self-hostable executable #11

Open skylatian opened 3 years ago

skylatian commented 3 years ago

I know the bot verification process is difficult, and it'd be great to have an easier to use self-hosted version of the bot. If this is possible it'd be a super welcome addition.

DarrenAlex commented 3 years ago

For Linux, there IS a .sh script, and I could extend it to clone the repo. Windows/Mac isn't my area of expertise, unfortunately

DarrenAlex commented 3 years ago

Update: I've made a script for Linux. Might do one for Windows later.

skylatian commented 3 years ago

A Windows one would be great if you have the time! I could run it on my Pi but that thing is doing a lot already and I think it's struggling 😅. Thanks for the update! Edit: Also saw you got the bot verified, awesome!