molgenis / molgenis-emx2

MOLGENIS EMX2, the latest version of the MOLGENIS data platform.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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fix: triples having the FDP as subject instead of the catalog #3831

Closed svandenhoek closed 1 month ago

svandenhoek commented 1 month ago

What are the main changes you did:

Fixed triples being assigned to subject /api/fdp in /api/fdp/catalog/<fair_database_name>/<catalogId> instead of the individual catalogs. In some cases it’s also very clear that these referred to columns belonging to the catalog table.


The triples that were moved from /api/fdp to the individual catalog (using the catalogId01 from the example data)

  dcterms:license <>;
  dcterms:conformsTo <http://localhost:8080/api/fdp/catalog/profile>;
  dcat:themeTaxonomy <>;
  dcterms:issued "2024-05-28T13:49:57"^^xsd:dateTime;
  dcterms:modified "2024-05-28T13:49:57"^^xsd:dateTime;
  dcterms:rights [ a dcterms:RightsStatement;
      dcterms:description "Rights are provided on a per-dataset basis."
  dcterms:accessRights [ a dcterms:RightsStatement;
      dcterms:description "Access rights are provided on a per-dataset basis."
  foaf:homepage <http://localhost:8080/my_FAIR/tables/#/Catalog> .

how to test:


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