As a part of my deployment I precompile some stuff via one of my gulp tasks. For that I need to install my node_modules.
Of course - I don't want the node_modules folder to be rsynced, so I added it as --excluded in :rsync_options. The problem is; The setting seems to be discarded. Any idea why that is?
mina deploy -v shows me the following (correct) rsync command, which seems to not be used, because it is correct and works as it should, when I run it on the command line:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'mina/rsync'
# ...
set :repository, '.'
set :branch, 'master'
set :rsync_options, %w[
--exclude ".git*"
--exclude "node_modules/"
--exclude "settings.json"
--exclude "typings"
# ...
# precompile task
task :precompile do
Dir.chdir settings.rsync_stage do
puts "-----> removing old builds"
system "rm", "-R", "js", "htdocs/dist"
puts "-----> Installing modules"
# npm install is here
system "npm", "install", "--quiet";
system "bundle", "install";
puts "-----> installing typescript definitions"
system "tsd", "reinstall";
puts "-----> running gulp build"
system "gulp", "build";
def checkfile(file)
if not File.exists?(file)
throw "file " + file + " does not exist"
puts "Compiled file exists: " + file;
puts "-----> checking if compiled files exist"
task "rsync:stage" do
invoke :precompile;
desc "Deploys the current version to the server."
task :deploy => :environment do
deploy do
# Put things that will set up an empty directory into a fully set-up
# instance of your project.
invoke "rsync:deploy"
invoke "deploy:cleanup"
queue "npm install --production --quiet"
queue "cd htdocs && bower install"
to :launch do
queue "forever stopall"
queue "forever start #{deploy_to}/#{current_path}/js/index.js"
I am having a weird issue with mina-rsync:
As a part of my deployment I precompile some stuff via one of my gulp tasks. For that I need to install my node_modules.
Of course - I don't want the node_modules folder to be rsynced, so I added it as --excluded in :rsync_options. The problem is; The setting seems to be discarded. Any idea why that is?
mina deploy -v
shows me the following (correct) rsync command, which seems to not be used, because it is correct and works as it should, when I run it on the command line:rsync --exclude ".git*" --exclude "node_modules/" --exclude "settings.json" --exclude "typings" --recursive --delete --delete-excluded tmp/deploy/
Here are the important parts of my deploy.rb: