moll / node-mitm

Intercept and mock outgoing Node.js network TCP connections and HTTP requests for testing. Intercepts and gives you a Net.Socket, Http.IncomingMessage and Http.ServerResponse to test and respond with. Super useful when testing code that hits remote servers.
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Make connect opts available to request listeners #14

Open papandreou opened 9 years ago

papandreou commented 9 years ago

I'm implementing a "recording" mode in my testing lib where it would be really useful to know the originally intended host/port/etc. of the intercepted connection, which were passed as the second parameter to the connect listeners. Right now I can either try to get the host and port number from the Host header, which might not be the correct value, or I can have listeners for both the connect and request events and try to pair them up, which also seems like a fool's errand as they aren't necessarily one-to-one when keep-alive is in play.

Would it be possible to pass the connect opts as the third parameter to the request listeners?

Properly mocking out {req,res}.socket.{remote,local}{Family,Address,Port} would also be really nice, but even if they were, it would be nice to have the original, non-resolved host available.

vvo commented 9 years ago


jakzo commented 5 years ago

Just documenting here my hacks to get around this until a proper solution is implemented:

mitm.on('connect', (socket, opts) => {
  let serverSocket = undefined;
  Object.defineProperty(socket, 'serverSocket', {
    set(server) {
      serverSocket = server;
      server._mitm = { client: socket, opts };
    get() {
      return serverSocket;

mitm.on('request', (req, res) => {
  const { client, opts } = req.connection._mitm;


mitm.on('connect', (socket, opts) => {
  socket._handle.remote._mitm = { client: socket, opts };

mitm.on('request', (req, res) => {
  const { client, opts } = req.connection._handle._mitm;