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:Nopen for built-ins doesn't work for io.js #23

Open rstacruz opened 9 years ago

rstacruz commented 9 years ago

Just thought you'd know that using Nopen for bulitns (eg :Nopen fs) doesn't work for io.js. It'll try to look for the file for node v2.5.0 (or whatever version you're on).

moll commented 9 years ago


Thanks. I'll look into that. I haven't yet gotten on the Io.js wagon myself, but given that it's often symlinked as node, might make sense to open the right URLs.

moll commented 9 years ago

Ugh, both Io.js and Node.js don't return their name on --version. I guess that means having to check if node is a symlink...

rstacruz commented 9 years ago

node --help | grep iojs maybe?

rstacruz commented 9 years ago

I'd suggest against checking if node is a symlink—it can be the case for, say, homebrew installs.

moll commented 9 years ago

I meant checking if it symlinks to a binary named iojs, not that it's merely a symlink. Running help before --version would work, too.

rstacruz commented 9 years ago

That would actually be a bad idea too ;)

→  ls -la /usr/local/bin/iojs
lrwxr-xr-x  1 rsc  brew  29 Jun 28 18:09 /usr/local/bin/iojs -> ../Cellar/iojs/2.3.1/bin/iojs
moll commented 9 years ago

It still points to a binary named iojs. :)

rstacruz commented 9 years ago
