mollersuite / monofile

File sharing over the Discord CDN
The Unlicense
18 stars 2 forks source link

API v1 & major refactoring: Hono, file read optimizations, and upload streaming #16

Open linkability opened 12 months ago

linkability commented 12 months ago


A better & more sensible API which is actually usable for developers

Jack5079 commented 12 months ago

A mollermeth of sorts

nbitzz commented 12 months ago


Jack5079 commented 11 months ago

Genius! Mr. 2283 and Mr. Impersonator will never find out

nbitzz commented 11 months ago

i think we should try porting the client to api v1 too maybe we should also have search and a page endpoint I just wonder how we're gonna optimize the files section tbh /shrug

nbitzz commented 11 months ago

we should also probably do some proper planning, idk /shrug but i think consistent naming would help, everything should be camelcase, do not use snake case or all lowercase

nbitzz commented 11 months ago

i think we should also make v0 basically just fwd to v1 also admin endpoints can probably be merged into accounts like DELETE /account/@jack etc...

nbitzz commented 11 months ago

Read over a bit of discord.js code and... moderately disappointed Mahiro Oyama

We'll need to see if we can do something else to stream files directly to Discord, discord.js resolves streams to buffers so it's not going to help much

nbitzz commented 11 months ago

We'll need to see if we can do something else to stream files directly to Discord, discord.js resolves streams to buffers so it's not going to help much

Great! Oceanic does this too. @Jack5079 we'll need to investigate and build our own library or something to stream files directly to discord :/ if we're kicking out a discord client library for file uploads, we might as well do it for everything: the One Small Issue is ratelimits

nbitzz commented 11 months ago

Trying to implement some basic REST client now; this hopefully means in the future we can remove our dependency on discord.js

Also, since Hono forces v18, might as well embrace it! We should switch all axios calls to the native node fetch API 🙃

nbitzz commented 10 months ago


I don't believe there's a way to customize what the HEAD route returns What should we do? Hope that it works OOTB? Try tricking Hono into believing a file from monofile is a real file on the disk or something? Are we switching to Fastify?

nbitzz commented 10 months ago

Reading over Hono's codebase reveals that Hono just internally fires a GET request then returns just its headers

I'll need to read over it some more, but if Hono just cancels the request after it gets the headers or something, we should be fine...right? If not, is there some way we can detect that the request is a HEAD request?

We could always fork Hono to mix in something that allows us to handle the HEAD request without getting the files from Discord, but I'd rather not do that unless required (We are not making Fastifyle, fuck you)

nbitzz commented 10 months ago

I think later today I'll go ahead and attempt to implement the optimizations described in #44 then maybe write the /file/:id route myself; surely it can't be too bad

Jack5079 commented 10 months ago

Reading over Hono's codebase reveals that Hono just internally fires a GET request then returns just its headers

I'll need to read over it some more, but if Hono just cancels the request after it gets the headers or something, we should be fine...right? If not, is there some way we can detect that the request is a HEAD request?

We could always fork Hono to mix in something that allows us to handle the HEAD request without getting the files from Discord, but I'd rather not do that unless required (We are not making Fastifyle, fuck you)


app.get('/route', async (c: Context) => {
  if (c.req.method === 'HEAD') {
    // lol

too lazy to test

Jack5079 commented 10 months ago

also sending streams if you can't use

const body = new ReadableStream({ // You can convert Readable to ReadableStream using Readable.toWeb
   start(controller) {
   cancel: off, // fires if request aborted i think
 return ctx.body(body)
nbitzz commented 10 months ago

Reading over Hono's codebase reveals that Hono just internally fires a GET request then returns just its headers

I'll need to read over it some more, but if Hono just cancels the request after it gets the headers or something, we should be fine...right? If not, is there some way we can detect that the request is a HEAD request?

We could always fork Hono to mix in something that allows us to handle the HEAD request without getting the files from Discord, but I'd rather not do that unless required (We are not making Fastifyle, fuck you)


app.get('/route', async (c: Context) => {

  if (c.req.method === 'HEAD') {

  // lol



too lazy to test


nbitzz commented 10 months ago
nbitzz commented 10 months ago

I think later today I'll go ahead and attempt to implement the optimizations described in #44 then maybe write the /file/:id route myself; surely it can't be too bad

It's 11pm and although I can't sleep (for various reasons) I'm not motivated to do it

nbitzz commented 10 months ago

@Jack5079 Maybe we should use the new parameters introduced into the CDN link to find out when a link expires instead of just setting an arbitrary 20 minute value... or not. I don't know, and as long as it works, that's fine.

nbitzz commented 10 months ago

When I get the chance I'll make writeFileStream exist

Also, I guess I might as well separate some things into their own functions, or at least separate the 1.2 -> 1.3 file upgrade thing

nbitzz commented 9 months ago

@Jack5079 later could you take over writing the routes for readFile? (and ofc writeFile once writeFileStream is available)

or don't idk lo

nbitzz commented 9 months ago

For writeFileStream to achieve our goals, it needs to respect backpressure. The issue is that I have no idea how I'd pull it off...

read emits drain on the writable, maybe, where write then pushes and returns false on the writable until read is called again..????

no idea how this would be structured though i'll have to do this at home

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

i think we need to write our.own formdata streaming parser thingyand alot of other stufff 🙃 working on this will be fun!!!! :DDD

uhhi uess il lkidna need to rsemisorta rethink-ish the writefile thing how i had it in mind previously coming back to this... this codebase is a mess osoim gonna have to change a lot abougt it tooooooo

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Files.readFileStream is unreadable and confusing i'll have to clean it up heavily lmao

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmrowmrowmeowmreowmrowmrowmrowmeowmeowmeowmroowIIii think i know how i'll be pulling off upload streaming now finallymrowmrowmrowmeowmrowmrowmeowmreowi will do it when i canmeowmrowmrowmrowmrowmeowmrowmreowmeow

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Should probably redo our current lock system where we just throw a "reserved" in there... basically just separate it into some array or object? idk

soins1 commented 7 months ago

this is pretty skibidi if i do say so myself

Jack5079 commented 7 months ago


@beebls Hello Beebles

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Hello Beebles


retree1 commented 7 months ago

Hello Beebles



nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Hello Beebles



meow :3 mrowmrowmrowmrowmrowmreow

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Fuck it. Personal deadline of early April to wrap up the APIv1 branch

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

i need to check if any currently uploading messages get canceled if the upload is aborted

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Server now starts on Hono! I do still want to redo readFileStream partially - it's a mess + also may waste requests with ranges Also still need to write our own streaming form-data parser Also just general cleanup, and of course api-v1 itself

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Finish all of this, though, and after, uh... image five months, we'll finally be clear for beta A very happy Mahiro Oyama

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Oh, right, and make UploadStream errors propagate through its child streams

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

@Jack5079 any idea how we could provide support for all routes (/file/:fileId, /:fileId. and /cpt/:fileId/*)? Maybe we should drop /cpt, I don't think anyone uses it like at all

nbitzz commented 7 months ago

Maybe we don't need to write our own formdata parser, let's just try to use formidable first

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

writing this is going to be hellll oh my godd :sob: my current idea is that if there's no full boundary in the chunk but the chunk ends in a part of the boundary then buffer some more until we can detect whether or not it is the boundary

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

I'll probably work on both the parser and api-v1 at the same time

soins1 commented 6 months ago

Can i just say that i have no fucking idea what the hell is happening

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

Me neither

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

upload streaming + forms is like . actually done just browsers seem to SUCK why is it aborting the requeeessttt

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

@Jack5079 Shit, you already know I'm obsessed with it...*burp* I can't get enough. *sniffle* Back with another milk-HEEEEELP... HEEEELP.... HEEEEELP MEEE... HEEEEELP

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

Okay looks like i broke the range header i'll fix it tomorrow

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

at least i don't think it does

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

meow! meow! mreoow!! nya!~

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

later ill check if its my fault or honos fault for backpressure notnworking insread of wasting time on that rn tho ill orobbaly api v1 first

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

When are we adding skibidi toilet to monofile

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

@Jack5079 Haiiii can you help me figure out why backpressure doesn't work on /file

nbitzz commented 6 months ago

Uhhh could you test that thanks