mollersuite / monofile

File sharing over the Discord CDN
The Unlicense
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[2.0.0-dev] monofile errors out when a 100mb+ file is uploaded behind cloudflare tunnels #72

Closed choke-dev closed 1 month ago

choke-dev commented 1 month ago

services behind cloudflare tunnels have a 100mb upload limit, anything higher than that returns a 413 from cloudflare


a potential solution to this could be a configurable option to enable/disable chunked uploads

nbitzz commented 1 month ago

chunking uploads between multiple requests, you mean?

nbitzz commented 1 month ago

if so, i'm not sure how i'd set it up and how to handle certain cases, i'll talk it out with jack ig. will be leaving unlabeled until i talk with him about this

choke-dev commented 1 month ago

i fixed the issue for myself by using a caddy reverse proxy, but i would still like to see the potential fix getting added

nbitzz commented 1 month ago

we've decided this is a job for the http proxy, not us; sorry