mollie / Magento

Mollie Payments for Magento 1.x
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All Order have Status Pending in Overview #151

Closed milch-shake closed 4 years ago

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

In /sales_order/ all Orders have the Status Pending and the Payment Method is not visible (if was paid with mollie). On Order Detail the Status would be shown correclty - api status of order status also is correct - only the overview is bad. Bug?

Frank-Magmodules commented 4 years ago

Hi @milch-shake , thanks for your message. Can you please share on which Magento and Mollie version you encounter this issue?

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

Hi Frank, yes - i have updated to current version of 5.5.1 and Magento is - also the webhooks not working correclty (prepayment by bank will not hook) ... the version i had before was no problems..

Frank-Magmodules commented 4 years ago

HI @milch-shake , Thank you for your quick response. Can you please update to the latest version 5.5.2 as we had a know issue on this which is fixed in 5.5.2. See the first point on the changelog.

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

hi - yes i have already updated it... it might by, that the status looks good (i dont know how it is with pre bank payment and webhooks from mollie) - but the payment-method will not be shown. 15-10-_2019_16-07-22

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

i have tried to refund an private order from myself - but the status will not update in magento. the status is still "processing" now and paypal data shows "paid" ... not refunded

Mollie Log: 2019-10-15T14:29:48+00:00 DEBUG (7): webhook: {"resource":"payment","id":"tr_NA9cQub68w","mode":"live","amount":{"value":"5.89","currency":"EUR"},"settlementAmount":null,"amountRefunded":{"value":"5.89","currency":"EUR"},"amountRemaining":{"value":"0.00","currency":"EUR"},"description":"100002779","method":"paypal","status":"paid","createdAt":"2019-10-15T13:44:05+00:00","paidAt":"2019-10-15T13:44:26+00:00","canceledAt":null,"expiresAt":null,"failedAt":null,"profileId":"pfl_kbGNWtMnx6","sequenceType":"oneoff","redirectUrl":"[REMOVED]","webhookUrl":"[REMOVED]","mandateId":null,"subscriptionId":null,"orderId":null,"settlementId":null,"locale":null,"metadata":{"order_id":"2857","store_id":"1","payment_token":"86ee90f4b8face[REMOVED]"},"details":{"consumerName":"[REMOVED]","consumerAccount":"[REMOVED]","paypalReference":"4P284527[REMOVED]","paypalPayerId":"FTTAX[REMOVED]"},"_links":{"self":{"href":"https:\/\/\/v2\/payments\/tr_NA9cQub68w","type":"application\/hal+json"},"refunds":{"href":"https:\/\/\/v2\/payments\/tr_NA9cQub68w\/refunds","type":"application\/hal+json"},"documentation":{"href":"https:\/\/\/reference\/v2\/payments-api\/get-payment","type":"text\/html"}},"isCancelable":null,"countryCode":"DE"} 2019-10-15T14:29:48+00:00 DEBUG (7): success: {"success":true,"status":"refunded","order_id":"2857","type":"webhook"}

i have added "[REMOVED]" to protect private data .... 15-10-_2019_16-33-59

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

there are in fact problems with the processing of the webhooks

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

maybe it helps - we are on PHP 5.6

Frank-Magmodules commented 4 years ago

Hi @milch-shake, did you create an online refund from the Magento Admin? This flow should create a credit memo, set the status to closed and will do an online refund to the customer through Mollie.

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

Hi @milch-shake, did you create an online refund from the Magento Admin? This flow should create a credit memo, set the status to closed and will do an online refund to the customer through Mollie.

no i do the refund from mollie - not from magento

Frank-Magmodules commented 4 years ago

Hi @milch-shake , Allright the explains it.

In the Magento/Mollie flow a refund needs to be done through Magento platform using the credit-note functionality which triggers a payment on the items/amount refunded in Magento.

milch-shake commented 4 years ago

okay - but this no fix my problem with the invisible payment methods :)

Frank-Magmodules commented 4 years ago

HI @milch-shake , Can you sent us temporary login details though our contact form so our development team can take a look with you on this issue?


milch-shake commented 4 years ago

done! :)