mollie / Shopware6

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Add Partial Shipment to "Auto shipping" #815

Open rene-schwabe opened 2 weeks ago

rene-schwabe commented 2 weeks ago

Implement Automatic Partial Order Shipping for Mollie Integration


Currently, when only part of an order is shipped, the entire order remains fully open in Mollie. This can lead to payment expiration after a certain period, especially problematic for Klarna invoice purchases. If the payment expires, the merchant doesn't receive any money for the shipped items.


Desired Solution

Implement an automatic method for handling partial deliveries in the Mollie integration:

  1. Mark only delivered items as shipped in Mollie
  2. Ensure correct payment terms are set for customers (especially important for Klarna invoice purchases)
  3. Prevent payment expiration for partially shipped orders


Additional Context

This feature is crucial for stores processing several thousand orders per month, where manual confirmation of partial shipments is not feasible.

Acceptance Criteria


High - This issue significantly impacts revenue collection and customer experience.

BlackScorp commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @rene-schwabe

we do have a "Ship Through Mollie" button in order overview, here you can select how many items are shipped in which quantity, then you can send them to mollie. The order is marked as partially shipped then.

You can then either use the button again and send another batch of items, or you can switch the delivery status to delivered in shopware and then all remaining items will be shipped to mollie (if automatic shipment is enabled in plugin config)

Also we provide the ship functions over API so it can be added to ERP for example

Payment expiration cannot be cancelled, the default expiration in mollie is 28 days, some merchants can extend this value on mollie side and you can configure the value in "Order Lifetime Days"

Or do i misunderstood the usecase?

Best Regards,
