mollie / laravel-mollie

Mollie API client wrapper for Laravel & Mollie Connect provider for Laravel Socialite
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Can't access Metadata in handleWebhookNotification #234

Closed PatricGithub closed 10 months ago

PatricGithub commented 11 months ago

My function results in Verbindung zum Webhook ist mit Status-Code 500 ist fehlgeschlagen (Internal Server Error). the original lines of code worked, however this one not. I would be happy for a helping hand.

public function handleWebhookNotification(Request $request) {
    $paymentId = $request->input('id');   
    $payment = Mollie::api()->payments->get($paymentId);
    $metadata = $payment->metadata;
    $rechnungsnummer = $metadata['rechnungsnummer'];

    if ($payment->isPaid()) { 
        $payload = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);

        if (isset($payload['metadata']['rechnungsnummer'])) {
            $rechnungsnummer = $payload['metadata']['rechnungsnummer'];
            ->where('rechnungsnummer', '=', $rechnungsnummer) 
            ->update(['paid' => 'yes']);

            ->where('rechnungsnummer', $rechnungsnummer)
            ->update(['paid' => 'yes']);
        } else {
            // Handle the case where "rechnungsnummer" is not present in the payload
Baspa commented 11 months ago

Can you check your laravel.log file? It probably contains the error message.

PatricGithub commented 11 months ago

`[2023-10-14 09:33:32] local.ERROR: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Cannot use object of type stdClass as array at /home/vito/ [stacktrace]

0 /home/vito/ App\Http\Controllers\ThankYouController->handleWebhookNotification()

1 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Routing\Controller->callAction()

2 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch()

3 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Routing\Route->runController()

4 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Routing\Route->run()

5 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}()

6 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()

7 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings->handle()

8 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()

9 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle()

10 /home/vito/ Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()


Baspa commented 11 months ago

@Psychology4me the payment is an object and not an array. I guess the data in the payload variable is an object instead of an array. Can you verify this?

PatricGithub commented 11 months ago

I can confirm this was indeed the mistake. Here is the final code for future references:

public function handleWebhookNotification(Request $request) {
        $paymentId = $request->input('id');
        $payment = Mollie::api()->payments->get($paymentId);
        $metadata = $payment->metadata;
        $rechnungsnummer = $metadata->rechnungsnummer;

        if ($payment->isPaid()) {
                ->where('rechnungsnummer', '=', $rechnungsnummer)
                ->update(['paid' => 'paid']);
        } else{
PatricGithub commented 11 months ago

Maybe provide additional examples in your example section for "coders new to mollie and laravel". (like me) I had to switch from svelte to laravel to make mollie work :) Anyhow, thank you for the great tip with the logs!

Baspa commented 11 months ago

I'm happy that I could help you. Feel free to ask any questions if you need help @Psychology4me.