mollie / magento2

Mollie Payments for Magento 2
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{{var order.mollie_transaction_id}} #719

Closed Sendurrr closed 7 months ago

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago


We use the following var for sending emails with a pay button in it with the {{var order.mollie_transaction_id}} variable in it:

{{var order.mollie_transaction_id}}

like this:{{var order.mollie_transaction_id}}

This always worked, but since a few days it stopped working

The variable gives this link: which always worked, but now is giving a 404 error.

If we change the url to: it works. So if we remove "ord_" in the url it works. How can we fix this so that "ord_" is not being returned by the {{var order.mollie_transaction_id}} variable ?

Frank-Magmodules commented 7 months ago

Hi There @Sendurrr , Thank you for opening this issue. In which email are you using this variable? Or is this a custom email? In the case of a custom e-mail, we are saving the dashboard URL in the additional information column of the payment. You can use that to get the link to the transaction.

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

we use it in custom automated emails. but this has always worked. Somehow mollie does not accept the ord_ prefix in the link anymore which is given by the var order.mollie_transaction_id

how can we get ridof this ord_ prefix which is named by the variable ?

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

Found it here on Mollie.php


I am no developer, but this ord_ prefix causes the 404 page at mollie. Can we remove this ?

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

Herre an example:


So in the email we just do this:{{var order.mollie_transaction_id}}

Which makes it:

which does not work anymore since a week. This link works though:

so we want to get rid of this ord_ prefix. How can we do this.

Frank-Magmodules commented 7 months ago

HI, There @Sendurrr ,

Thank you for providing additional comments on this matter. However, it seems that you are using the information in the database in a way that it is not intended for. That it worked up until now seems to be luck and it seems, but I can't tell this without knowledge of your exact implementation.

Anyway, to have the correct URL you can use something like this: $order->getPayment()->getAdditionalInformation('dashboard_url')

But as you are running this in custom code I can’t say where and how to place this peace of code. For that, you need to contact your developer.

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

ok will do. strange though that the variable is defined, but is actually useless for use .....

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

By the way, we use this for Mollie backend payments. So we when create the order from the backend, the customer gets an email with a mollie payment button which sends them to the mollie payment page. We don't have a dashboard_url in additionalinformation. We got a checkout_url though. Must this be so difficult? Why doesnt just the {{var order.mollie_transactionid}} work. Why is this transaction id different in magento than it is on the mollie site (the ord prefix)?

Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

we fixed it by creating a custom extension based on this piece of code $order->getPayment()->getAdditionalInformation('dashboard_url')


Sendurrr commented 7 months ago

Hello @Frank-Magmodules we also want to call the {{var link}} for the SecondChanceEmail from another email extension within magento2 (it is not recognized in that extension). how can we call this variable correctly? can you help us? thanks