A 13-year-old, known as the "Gen Z Quant kid," created a token called QUANT and executed a rug-pull, making $30,000. In retaliation, "crypto community" pumped the token's value, causing it to skyrocket, making him miss out on potentially ~$4M and then doxxing the kid. Things got even worse when allegedly the kid's dog, Bari, was kidnapped and the perpetrators then launched a new token named $BARI using the dog's image.
November 20, 2024 03:56:12 +UTC
A 13-year-old, known as the "Gen Z Quant kid," created a token called QUANT and executed a rug-pull, making $30,000. In retaliation, "crypto community" pumped the token's value, causing it to skyrocket, making him miss out on potentially ~$4M and then doxxing the kid. Things got even worse when allegedly the kid's dog, Bari, was kidnapped and the perpetrators then launched a new token named $BARI using the dog's image.
https://decrypt.co/292594/this-child-made-30k-rugging-a-solana-meme-coin-then-crypto-degens-got-revenge https://www.cryptotimes.io/2024/11/22/quant-kids-dog-stolen-after-rug-pull-kidnapper-launches-bari/ https://www.cryptonewsz.com/quant-rug-pull-kidnapped-dog-revenge-token/
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