mollyfish / advanced-presentation-AT-MK-done

Advanced Presentation Assignment - Molly Kent & Alina To: HTML semantics, document architecture, presentation, and RWD. Mobile-first scaled up to desktop layout. @blackfalcon @miketierney @jedfoster
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Week 3 Assignment (grabbed from Slack) #76

Open toalina opened 9 years ago

toalina commented 9 years ago

This weeks assignment is going to be pretty 'simple'. We are looking for two things;

1) refactor all your CSS to Sass 2) introduce dynamic jQuery elements to the app

The scope of this is for you to stick with your previous pair partner, make the improvements suggested in your last assignment, complete what you didn't in the last assignment and add the new tech/processes/development solutions we are covering.

Simply make a NEW feature branch from last week's project and this will be your new MASTER. Follow all the same practices you did last week, branching/merging/comments, but NEVER COMMIT TO MASTER.

Name this new branch: w3-a3__sass-and-jquery

Again, as soon as you start, create the PR with '(wip)' in the title and submit to that as you go along.

New Git things I'm looking for is a GOOD summary statement in the PR. Description of the feature updates and screen shots.

Also, this project MUST BE RESPONSIVE! If you didn't finish that last week, it must be part of this project.

mollyfish commented 9 years ago

Hmm. What do we want to add for jQuery? Try to make the slider work (complicated)? or do alerts on form submission (easy)? Cool facts about team members if you hover the mouse over them (easy but not as easy as an alert)?