cat coinlist.txt | dotnet fsi coinsgraph.fsx | sed -e 's/ ;//' | dot -Tpng > mywallet.png
/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/WasabiCoinGraph/coinsgraph.fsx(8,44): error FS1160: This token is reserved for future use
/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/WasabiCoinGraph/coinsgraph.fsx(11,7): warning FS0058: Possible incorrect indentation: this token is offside of context started at position (8:17). Try indenting this token further or using standard formatting conventions.
/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/WasabiCoinGraph/coinsgraph.fsx(11,14): warning FS0058: Possible incorrect indentation: this token is offside of context started at position (8:17). Try indenting this token further or using standard formatting conventions.
/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/WasabiCoinGraph/coinsgraph.fsx(13,1): warning FS0058: Possible incorrect indentation: this token is offside of context started at position (11:14). Try indenting this token further or using standard formatting conventions.
/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/WasabiCoinGraph/coinsgraph.fsx(22,1): warning FS0058: Possible incorrect indentation: this token is offside of context started at position (13:1). Try indenting this token further or using standard formatting conventions.
/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/WasabiCoinGraph/coinsgraph.fsx(22,11): error FS1160: This token is reserved for future use