molnarg / node-http2

An HTTP/2 client and server implementation for node.js
MIT License
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node-http2 v4 via fork ? #250

Open hthetiot opened 6 years ago

hthetiot commented 6 years ago


We started a fork that include cumulative fixes:

See dedicated issue here:

Original Source and Fork intent

This NodeJS http2.js module version is a fork of node-http2 hosted on Github originally made by Gábor Molnár and available here:

This fork of node-http2 module named http2.js starts at version 4.0.0 in case previous the repository decides to pick up work again on version 3.x.x.

We are aware that node 8.4.0 now has experimental http2 support via --expose-http2, and we will continue to support the full JavaScript implementation of http2.js at our discretion until HTTP/2 is more fully supported in a broad range of client platforms.


4.0.1 (2017-10-01)

4.0.0 (2017-08-23)

akc42 commented 6 years ago

are you aware that node 8.4.0 now has experimental http2 support behind a --expose-http2 flag. It is much faster as it relies on nghttp2 under the hood which is native c (or c++?) code. I used to use this (molnarg/node-http2} module, but have now switched over to the one in core node.

There is a core layer that gives access to the underlying duplex streams and a compat layer that makes it as close to using http1 as possible.

Because it is behind an experimental flag the api is still changing, but it would be good for as many people as possible to use it and comment on whether the api works.

dpwspoon commented 6 years ago

Yes, we are aware. We use this library in production in environments where this support is not yet available AND on client platforms that ARE NOT node based.

As such, we will continue to support node-http2 for some time until many various client platforms offer full http2 support.

hthetiot commented 6 years ago

Example of migration:

hthetiot commented 5 years ago

4.0.3 (2018-07-18)