molnarszilard / GIPC_rele

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Problems with format #2

Open seakafuka opened 1 month ago

seakafuka commented 1 month ago

Hi author, I have trained a model and I want to input a point cloud to generate a geometric image, how do I modify the code in

molnarszilard commented 1 month ago

Hi! I am afraid that point cloud as input is not implemented, and I am not planning to do it. You need to use the Matlab code for creating the GIMs from point clouds, those are your inputs to the model. However the output is implemented, so the script should save both the output GIM and the PCD (I am saying should, because I haven't run the code in the last 2 years).

PCDs are non-ordered data while GIMs are ordered, hence the conversion of GIM-->PCD is straightforward, while PCD->GIM is not. You need an algorithm for that, so the conversion is the same for each case. Otherwise, the trained model will not be able to understand the GIM correctly.

You can rewrite the Matlab code into Python if you would like to. But then, I would suggest regenerating your training/testing data with the same script and then re-training your model. Just to make sure, that all your GIM data is generated using the same algorithm.