molobrakos / volvooncall

Retrieve information from the Volvo On Call (VOC) web service
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VoC 2FA #99

Open FireWizard52 opened 8 months ago

FireWizard52 commented 8 months ago

Yesterday I received a message (in my case in Dutch), that Volvo will add 2 Factor Authentication to their Volvo Cars app , previously called Volvo on Call.

See: for the English text.

Will this have consequences for this application as well?


FireWizard52 commented 4 months ago

This morning, Monday, March 18, 2024, since 11:00h the VoC server is not accessible anymore. It returns:

$ voc status
Could not connect to the server.

If this means, that 2FA has been implemented, I do not know. Anyone else discovered a similar issue?

[Edit1] I'm sure that this is the reason. I logged out of my Volvo Cars app and when I tried to log-in again, I had to submit a Volvo ID-verificationcode, consisting of 6 digits. Currently it is impossible to make a connection with the Volvo ID-service.

So this is probably the end of the Volvo integration, unless someone is able to solve this issue. Thanks to all contributors.

[Edit2} since this evening it is working again

Kind regards.
