moloch-- / RootTheBox

A Game of Hackers (CTF Scoreboard & Game Manager)
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with the flag submission backdrop #39

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

In some browsers, players could not submit flags because the black overlay was over the flag input box.

Some reported the issue in chrome, some others in Firefox... i'm not sure yet.

Here is what one of the players sent me:

The problem is a modal-backdrop in css themes. z-index maybe.

They also gave me a (corrected) cyborg.css file which can be found here

All credits to: Again, thanks for this scoreboard

tunelko commented 10 years ago

Removing the div on inspector we can get the submit flag form, so it could be z-index issue. About my #37, maybe you (@moloch--) have another point of view about restart. In the same issue there are a CSP policy added to accept the eval on terminal.js, please review it. Thanks !

moloch-- commented 10 years ago

Yes, this is a known issue with the modals, thought I had fixed them all but guess I missed this (very important) one. The issue is with a recent update to Firefox, basically the modals cannot be defined within the <body/> of the page. I will have this fixed shortly.

moloch-- commented 10 years ago

Included updated CSS in commit be sure thank whomever fixed the CSS for me :)