moloch-- / RootTheBox

A Game of Hackers (CTF Scoreboard & Game Manager)
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Question: display a custom capture message when a player has found a flag (no story mode)? #630

Open ClaudioWayne opened 3 days ago

ClaudioWayne commented 3 days ago

Is there a way to display a custom capture message when a player has found a flag if the story mode is disabled? I try to show the players several solutions (including Screenshots) that lead to the goal of the flag, so that they can compare their solution with the alternatives and can always revisit them when they have found the flag.

Thanks Claudio

eljeffeg commented 3 days ago

I think it just triggers if in story mode if I recall, but you can change the graphic to be more "did you know". And I think if there is no text, it will skip a "cut scene".