moloney / dcmstack

DICOM to Nifti conversion with meta data preservation
72 stars 51 forks source link #13

Closed bpinsard closed 9 years ago

bpinsard commented 11 years ago

sorry I am not expert of the setuptools but the current install only an egg file and so dcmstack is not imported (I am using a virtualenv and system package get imported instead of the preceding virtualenv one). maybe changes has caused this problem.

moloney commented 11 years ago

I am also not an expert, but I believe setuptools will install as an egg file any time it deems the package "zip_safe" (not sure exactly what the requirements are). I don't think this is related to your virtualenv issue.

How do you install to your virtualenv? I usually do "easy_install -m dcmstack" before installing the new package to make the package "multi-version". Although this may still not be enough if you are installing a version with a smaller version number.

moloney commented 9 years ago

I am going to go ahead and close this. Let me know if you still think there is a bug in the file.