moloney / dcmstack

DICOM to Nifti conversion with meta data preservation
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Problematic dataset #14

Closed chrisgorgo closed 11 years ago

chrisgorgo commented 11 years ago

Quoting after @DerOrfa "dcmstack . --file-ext ".IMA" --force-read --output-name remove --output-ext ".nii" --dest-dir "/tmp/" -v --embed-meta" on it takes ages, produces an lot of messages like

/afs/ UserWarning: Error adding file ./HN3T110609.MR.RT_ANATOMY.13.189.2011. to stack: data dtype "object" not recognized (fn, str(e)))

... and eventually ends with no output.

Here's the dataset:

moloney commented 11 years ago

This is the same problem described here:

Should be fixed in the latest nibabel. For me the conversion takes about 25 seconds.

DerOrfa commented 11 years ago

The latest version works fine now. Sorry for bothering..