moloney / dcmstack

DICOM to Nifti conversion with meta data preservation
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parse_and_stack output (dcmstack object) #31

Closed TheChymera closed 8 years ago

TheChymera commented 9 years ago

@moloney a while ago you recommended the parse_and_stack function for automatically stacking dicons with the same echo time together. I am trying to use this function, but I have no idea what to do with its output.


from os import listdir
from dcmstack import parse_and_stack
import numpy as np

mydir = "/home/chymera/data/"

filelist = listdir(mydir)
myfiles = [mydir+myfile for myfile in filelist]
results = parse_and_stack(myfiles)


{(u'2.16.756.', 50001, u'T2S_EP_Feb2015_multi', (-0.9999965999, -0.002201215161, -0.001398168101, -0.002201267133, 0.9999975766, 3.563401135e-05)): <dcmstack.dcmstack.DicomStack object at 0x7fb3df4cd450>}
<type 'dict'>
[Finished in 561.182s]

what can I do with that dict? It seems to me, the function creates no files. What other function do I need to pass the dict to, to get the files I want?

moloney commented 9 years ago

Have you looked at the docs?

Everything you need to do to produce a Nifti file is covered in the "Introduction" section.