moloney / dcmstack

DICOM to Nifti conversion with meta data preservation
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does not convert philips DTI dcm files #48

Closed mrjeffs closed 7 years ago

mrjeffs commented 7 years ago

pointed dcmstack to directory of 1 DTI scan and got confused on 4th dimention. cmd: dcmstack -v DTI_2p5DB_SOME_NOISE Processing source directory DTI_2p5DB_SOME_NOISE Found 1088 source files in the directory Found 1 groups of DICOM images Writing out stack to path DTI_2p5DB_SOME_NOISE/301-DTI_2.5DB_SOME_NOISE_SENSE.nii.gz Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/toddr/Software/anaconda2/bin/dcmstack", line 9, in load_entry_point('dcmstack', 'console_scripts', 'dcmstack')() File "/home/toddr/Software/dcmstack/src/dcmstack/", line 324, in main nii = stack.to_nifti(args.voxel_order, gen_meta) File "/home/toddr/Software/dcmstack/src/dcmstack/", line 857, in to_nifti data = self.get_data() File "/home/toddr/Software/dcmstack/src/dcmstack/", line 763, in get_data stack_shape = self.get_shape() File "/home/toddr/Software/dcmstack/src/dcmstack/", line 726, in get_shape raise InvalidStackError("Unable to guess key for sorting the " dcmstack.dcmstack.InvalidStackError: The DICOM stack is not valid: Unable to guess key for sorting the fourth dimension

anbai106 commented 7 years ago

I have the same erreur when converting DTI dcm of philips, dcmstack works well for Siemens and GE(all for DTI, phase and magnitude images)

Do you have any solution???

Thanks in advance

moloney commented 7 years ago

Since I already replied to #51 I am going to close this one. Lets continue the conversation over there.