molsonkiko / JsonToolsNppPlugin

A Notepad++ plugin providing tools for JSON like linting, querying, a tree view, and CSV conversion.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Put buttons on toolbar #36

Closed MDagni closed 6 months ago

MDagni commented 1 year ago

It would be really nice to have buttons for commands on the toolbar. I especially need "Pretty-print current JSON file" and "Path to current line". Thanks.

molsonkiko commented 1 year ago

Seems like a good idea. I generally prefer using the accelerator keys (Alt-P-J-P (as a sequence, not holding Alt down) for pretty-print and Alt-P-J-O for path to current line, but I'll add toolbar buttons in the next release.

molsonkiko commented 10 months ago

as of next release, should be fixed

molsonkiko commented 10 months ago

One thing I've observed in playing around with this is that sometimes the icons disappear when going from light mode to dark mode (but not vice versa). This is only temporary; when you restart Notepad++ in dark mode or light mode the icons are all there.

If you or anyone else happen to notice a clear pattern of usage that makes the icons more likely to disappear, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

MDagni commented 10 months ago

How can I test this? Release 5.6 doesn't have the icons.

molsonkiko commented 10 months ago

If you want to test it now, and not wait until the next release (which I would recommend), you can download a build with icons here (choose plugin_dll_x64 for 64bit NPP or plugin_dll_x86 for 32bit), extract JsonTools.dll from the zip file, and replace JsonTools.dll in the plugins folder with this version.

Generally speaking, you can get GitHub Actions builds like this one by following these instructions.

MDagni commented 10 months ago

I believe I will just wait :)

molsonkiko commented 10 months ago

New release with toolbar icons just came out.

molsonkiko commented 6 months ago

I'm going to close this, although issue #53 is a known lingering issue with the toolbar icons.