molsonkiko / JsonToolsNppPlugin

A Notepad++ plugin providing tools for JSON like linting, querying, a tree view, and CSV conversion.
Apache License 2.0
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Add option to configure path seperator #69

Open Grisgram opened 2 weeks ago

Grisgram commented 2 weeks ago


I know, it is pretty standard to use the . as seperator for json paths (like, however I also have systems which would prefer a / as path seperator, like strings/legal/copyright.

Could you add an option to set a character as the path seperator? Leave it as . as default, so nothing changes for the current default behavior


molsonkiko commented 2 weeks ago

What is the context in which you would prefer / as path separator? I may or may not be able to help you.

If you are referring to the query box (for example, using to select the bar field of the foo field of the current JSON), that is completely impossible, as . is hardcoded for that purpose in the RemesPath syntax.

If you are asking for a fourth option for the Path to current position command, with a configurable path separator defined in the settings, I would be willing to implement that.

Grisgram commented 2 weeks ago

I have a tool that accesses these json files at runtime and this tool expects a slash-seperated path to finally find a value in the struct. So, no, not the query-box. Just what you put into the clipboard with the "path to clipboard" or the path to current option, that you mentioned (or both).

I just right-click a node image

and then you generate something like "" but for this tool i'd need "strings/legal/copyright" (either use the configurable seperator in the javascript style or add a menu option "custom style" which refers to the seperator set in the settings. either way is ok. I am working with quite large files and a deep structure -- it's a bit awkward to always manually replace all dots with slashes after pasting the path into my source code. The reason why i can not use the dot is, that these json files already use the dot in their keys image like this. And they get generated by another system which I have no control over.

I hope I could explain :-) Cheers!