molstar / mol-view-spec
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Representation parameters #19

Open nezix opened 3 months ago

nezix commented 3 months ago

Hello !

JonStargaryen commented 3 months ago

Hi @nezix,

Is there a way to specify representation parameters ?

Not yet but transparency and other more specialized params are planned for the future.

Same for coloring, is there a way to have color schemes ?

Applying coloring schemes by name would be possible but the vision for MolViewSpec is to be viewer agnostic and not strictly tied to Mol*, so we would like to avoid that at this point in time. You can "emulate" color themes by selecting relevant atoms/residues/chains and then assign the corresponding color but you'll need to do so for every single items and/or color.

nezix commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the reply ! I forgot to mention licorice, vdw, wire and all kinds of atomistic representations. Is this something planned and compatible with the viewer agnostic approach ?