moment / moment-timezone

Timezone support for moment.js
MIT License
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Australian timezones not correct? #108

Closed mikehdt closed 10 years ago

mikehdt commented 10 years ago


I'm not sure if Moment is using a different standards system, and I'm certainly no expert on timezone systems - but as an Australian, I'm used to referring to the eastern timezone as AEST (UTC+10), so it's not confused with the US EST (UTC-5). For the states such as Victoria and NSW which observe daylight savings (Queensland does not), the timezone becomes AEDT (UTC+11).

At the moment, Moment refers to both as EST, whether daylight savings is being observed or not (EST as +10 and also EST as +11, which is really confusing!).

Official-ish Australian government reference of timezones can be found here:


timrwood commented 10 years ago

We use the data from directly, so whatever is used there will be reflected in moment-timezone.

It looks like this change has already been made on 2014-06-30.

See the comments here.

The 2014e timezone data was released on 2014-06-12, so it looks like this just missed the cut and will be in the next data release. When it does, I'll release a moment-timezone@0.2.1 with the new data.

timrwood commented 10 years ago

See #126 which should resolve this.

timrwood commented 10 years ago

This was released with moment-timezone@0.2.2, let me know if you have any issues.

monicaraghuwanshi commented 4 years ago

@timrwood this issue seems to be happening again. I am getting (+11:00 UTC) Australia/Sydney . Please help me out.

sdsdsd3951 commented 4 years ago

@timrwood we also have the same issue, some Australian states do not observe daylight savings but are included none the less.

darrylsepeda commented 1 year ago

and now 2023, I bump into the same issue from 9 years ago

gilmoreorless commented 1 year ago

@darrylsepeda Double check if your project is including a file called moment-timezone-with-data-2012-2022.js (or .min.js). You might need to switch to a different file source, see for more details.