Pill button - Button that contains text value. It is commonly used for call to action, tags or filters.
Pill button with icons - Button containing icon either on the left or right side of the button.
Icon button - Button is represented by just an icon without any text.
They have 3 variants - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
Different states a button can have are as follows: Active, Disabled, SoftDisabled (The button is currently disabled for user interaction; however, it remains focusable.)
Positive - Green button
Negative - Red button
Accent - Blue button
Promotional - Purple button
Default - Grey button
We support the following sizes which vary based on the button type. As per our conventions guide, we shall use REM unit for button sizing.
We support the following sizes which vary based on the button type. As per our conventions guide, we shall use REM unit for button sizing.