momentumdevelopment / cosmos

Free, open-source, Minecraft 1.12.2 PvP client aimed at the anarchy community.
GNU General Public License v3.0
153 stars 39 forks source link

[BUG] Surround doesn't work on ender chests #125

Closed fxbt-zzz closed 2 years ago

fxbt-zzz commented 2 years ago





master7720 commented 2 years ago

the surround doesnt work on strict unless my config is bad

pastimee commented 2 years ago

all of cosmos's modules work on strict, I've tested all of them. you likely configured it incorrectly.

master7720 commented 2 years ago

i use the default config and it gives me ghost blocks on 2bpvp

pastimee commented 2 years ago

that's cause you're not supposed to used default config rofl

master7720 commented 2 years ago

that's cause you're not supposed to used default config rofl

bruh send me your surround config

pastimee commented 2 years ago

[ClickGUI] Enabled = false Drawn = false Bind = 54 Mode = "WINDOW" PrimaryColor = -7688248 BackgroundColor = -15263971 AccentColor = -14474451 SecondaryColor = -15987695 ComplexionColor = -15592936 PauseGame = false WindowBlur = false Blur = false

[Colors] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Color = -57316616 Rainbow = "GRADIENT" Rainbow-Speed = 50.5 Rainbow-Saturation = 0.35 Rainbow-Brightness = 1.0 Rainbow-Difference = 40.3

[DiscordPresence] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0

[Font] Enabled = false Drawn = false Bind = 0 Vanilla = true

[Social] Enabled = false Drawn = false Bind = 0 Friends = true

[HUD] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Watermark = true ActiveModules = true Coordinates = true Speed = true Ping = true FPS = true TPS = true Armor = true PotionEffects = false

[Aura] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 49 Iterations = 1.0 Variation = 100.0 Range = 6.0 WallsRange = 6.0 Timing = "SEQUENTIAL" Timing-Mode = "SWING" Timing-Factor = 1.0 Timing-Delay = 1000.0 Timing-Ticks = 15.0 Timing-TPS = "AVERAGE" Timing-Switch = 0.0 Timing-Random = 0.0 Timing-TicksExisted = 0.0 Timer = 1.0 FOV = 180.0 Weapon = "SWORD" Weapon-OnlyWeapon = true Weapon-32K = false Weapon-Block = false Rotation = "PACKET" Rotation-Limit = "NONE" Bone = "EYES" Rotation-Random = 0.0 Swing = "MAINHAND" Raytrace = false Packet = false Teleport = false Reactive = false Merge = false StopSprint = true StopSneak = true Pause = true Pause-Health = 0.0 Pause-Eating = false Pause-Mining = true Pause-Mending = false Switch = "NORMAL" Target = "CLOSEST" Target-Players = true Target-Passives = false Target-Neutrals = false Target-Hostiles = false Render = true

[AutoCrystal] Enabled = true Drawn = true Bind = 19 Explode = true Explode-Range = 5.0 Explode-WallRange = 3.5 Explode-Delay = 60.0 Explode-RandomDelay = 0.0 Explode-SwitchDelay = 0.0 Explode-TicksExisted = 1.0 Explode-Damage = 0.0 Explode-LocalDamage = 5.0 Explode-Limit = 10.0 Explode-Packet = true Explode-Inhibit = true Explode-Hand = "SYNC" Explode-Weakness = "NONE" Place = true Place-Range = 5.0 Place-WallRange = 3.5 Place-Delay = 20.0 Place-Damage = 5.0 Place-LocalDamage = 5.0 Place-Packet = true Place-Interact = "STRICT" Place-Raytrace = "DOUBLE" Place-Hand = "SYNC" Place-Switch = "NONE" Pause = true Pause-Health = 2.0 Pause-Safety = true Pause-Eating = false Pause-Mining = false Pause-Mending = false Override = true Override-Health = 10.0 Override-Threshold = 0.0 Override-Armor = 0.0 Rotation = "PACKET" Rotation-Limit = "NONE" Rotation-When = "BOTH" Rotation-Random = 0.0 Calculations = true Calculations-Timing = "SEQUENTIAL" Calculations-TPS = "NONE" Calculations-Placements = "NATIVE" Calculations-Logic = "DAMAGE" Calculations-Sync = "SOUND" Calculations-Prediction = false Calculations-IgnoreTerrain = false Target = "CLOSEST" Target-Range = 10.0 Target-Players = true Target-Passives = false Target-Neutrals = false Target-Hostiles = false Render = true Render-Mode = "BOTH" Render-Text = "NONE" Render-Width = 1.6

[Burrow] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 48 Mode = "OBSIDIAN" Rotation = "PACKET" Offset = 2.2

[Criticals] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 49 Mode = "STRICT" Motion = 0.4 Modifier = 1.5 Delay = 200.0 Delay-32K = 0.0 Teleport = false Particles = true Pause = true Pause-Liquid = true Pause-Air = true Pause-Crystal = true Pause-32K = true

[FastProjectile] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Bows = false Eggs = false Snowballs = false Ticks = 10.0

[HoleFill] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 34 Mode = "TARGETED" Block = "OBSIDIAN" Completion = "COMPLETION" Range = 5.0 Threshold = 3.0 Switch = "NORMAL" Strict = true Safety = false Doubles = true Rotation = "PACKET" Target = "CLOSEST" Target-Range = 10.0 Render = true Render-Mode = "FILL"

[Offhand] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Item = "TOTEM" FallBack = "CRYSTAL" Interact = "STRICT" Gapple = "SWORD" Health = 16.0 Delay = 0.0 ArmorSafe = true MotionStrict = false Recursive = false Pause = true Pause-Liquid = false Pause-Air = true Pause-Elytra = true

[Surround] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 23 Surround = "STANDARD" Completion = "AIR" Center = "TELEPORT" Switch = "NORMAL" Blocks = 4.0 Strict = true Reactive = true Rotation = "PACKET" Rotation-Center = false Rotation-Random = false Render = true Render-Mode = "FILL" Render-SafeColor = 671153920 Render-UnsafeColor = 687800320

[AntiAim] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Yaw = "LINEAR" Pitch = "NONE" Rotate = "PACKET"

[ChatModifications] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Time = "NA" Prefix = true Suffix = true Colored = true

[FakePlayer] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Inventory = true Health = true

[Notifier] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 EnableNotify = false PopNotify = false

[Portal] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 GodMode = false Screens = true Effect = false Sounds = false

[Timer] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Multiplier = 4.0

[XCarry] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0

[ElytraFlight] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "CONTROL" Yaw = 30.0 Pitch = 30.0 Glide = 2.5 Ascend = 1.0 Descend = 1.0 Fall = 0.0 Firework = "NONE" LockRotation = false TakeOff = false TakeOff-Timer = 0.2 Pause = true Pause-Liquid = true Pause-Collision = false

[NoSlow] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Strict = true AirStrict = true SwitchStrict = true PlaceStrict = false GroundStrict = false InventoryMove = true InventoryMove-ArrowLook = 5.0 Items = true SoulSand = false Slime = false Ice = true

[PacketFlight] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "FAST" Direction = "DOWN" Factor = 1.0 Subdivisions = 4.0 AntiKick = true LimitJitter = true Overshoot = false Stabilize = true

[ReverseStep] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "MOTION" Speed = 1.0 ShiftTicks = 1.0 Height = 2.0 OnlyHole = false Webs = false

[Speed] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 47 Mode = "STRAFE_STRICT" Timer = true Timer-Ticks = 1.1 Accelerate = false Boost = false Liquid = false Web = false

[Sprint] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Mode = "DIRECTIONAL" Safe = false Strict = false

[Step] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "NORMAL" Height = 1.0

[Velocity] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Horizontal = 0.0 Vertical = 0.0 NoPush = true NoPush-Entities = true NoPush-Blocks = true NoPush-Liquid = true

[AntiHunger] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 StopSprint = true StopJump = true

[AntiVoid] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "SUSPEND" Glide = 5.0 Float = 0.5

[Blink] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "MANUAL" SpawnFake = true Delay = 5.0 Packets = 10 Distance = 10

[FastUse] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Speed = 4.0 GhostFix = true FastDrop = false PacketUse = false PacketUse-Gapple = false PacketUse-Potions = true EXP = true Bow = false Crystals = false Blocks = false SpawnEggs = false Fireworks = false

[Interact] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Reach = 0.0 Hand = "NONE" GhostHand = false NoSwing = false IgnoreContainers = false HitBox = true HitBox-Extend = 0.0 HitBox-PlayersOnly = true Liquid = false HeightLimit = true WorldBorder = false

[NoFall] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "PACKET" Distance = 2.0 Swap = "LEGIT" Rubberband = 5.0 GlideSpeed = 1.5

[PingSpoof] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Delay = 0.5

[SpeedMine] Enabled = true Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "PACKET" Switch = "PACKET" Damage = 1.0 Strict = false Animation = false Reset = false Render = true Render-Mode = "BOTH"

[CameraClip] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Distance = 5.0

[Chams] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "WIREMODEL" Mode-Width = 1.08 Players = true Players-Local = false Mobs = true Monsters = true Crystals = true Crystals-Scale = 1.0 Texture = false Lighting = true Blend = false Transparent = true Depth = true Walls = true XQZ = true XQZ-XQZColor = 855258105 Highlight = true Highlight-HighlightColor = 850355962

[ESP] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Mode = "SHADER" Width = 1.25 Players = true Players-Color = -9018656 Passives = true Passives-Color = -9018656 Neutrals = true Neutrals-Color = -9018656 Hostiles = true Hostiles-Color = -9018656 Items = true Items-Color = -9018656 Crystals = true Crystals-Color = -9018656 Vehicles = true Vehicles-Color = -9018656

[FullBright] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0

[HoleESP] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Range = 5.0 Main = "FILL" Main-Height = 0.1 Main-Width = 1.5 Outline = "OUTLINE" Outline-Height = 0.1 Outline-Width = 1.5 Depth = true Doubles = true Void = false Colors = true Colors-Obsidian = 762733280 Colors-Mixed = 762733280 Colors-Bedrock = 762733280 Colors-Void = 771686400

[Nametags] Enabled = false Drawn = true Bind = 0 Health = true Ping = true Gamemode = false TotemPops = true Background = true

[NoRender] Enabled = true Drawn = false Bind = 0 Overlays = true Overlays-Fire = true Overlays-Liquid = true Overlays-Block = true Overlays-Boss = true Fog = true Fog-LiquidVision = true Fog-Density = 0.0 Armor = true Items = false Fireworks = false Particles = false TileEntities = false Maps = false Skylight = false HurtCamera = true WitherSkull = true Potion = false FOV = true

pastimee commented 2 years ago

all cosmos modules configured for strict NCP

xgraza commented 2 years ago

i can confirm, block placements do work on cosmos, even with the default config on strict lol.

xgraza commented 2 years ago

and is that nametags im seeing in your config file???? lets fucking go