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Analysis of the underlying structure of the mini program #31

Open mominger opened 3 years ago

mominger commented 3 years ago

The upper part is the English version, and the lower part is the Chinese version, with the same content. If there are any wrong, or you have anything hard to understand, especially in the English version(it is modifications based on Google Translate), pls feel free to let me know.many thx.


Introduction to the mini program; analysis of the underlying structure of the mini program; its life cycle, etc.

1. What is the mini program


Mini program running environment: IOS webkit (Apple's open source browser kernel), Android X5 (QQ browser kernel), nw.js in WeChat developer tools Wechat blocks the BOM object, so most of the traditional JS libraries cannot be used The mini program is still running in the browser mode, and wechat controls the life cycle. WXML, WXSS rendering page. js parse data、transfer data (setData) Official Mini Program Document Official Mini Program Management Backstage

2. The underlying architecture of the mini program

2.1 Architecture diagram provided by Tencent

Refer to the article address of this picture


2.2 Analysis of the official architecture diagram


2.3 The communication process of each layer of the mini program


App View: view layer, AppService: logic layer AppService -> transfer data: setData(Object) -> Wechat JSBridge -> transfer data:data(string) -> AppView AppView -> trigger event -> Wechat JSBridge -> event -> AppService

3. Starting the mini program


Cold starting: the user opens the mini program for the first time, or the mini program is opened by the user again after being destroyed, the mini program needs to be reloaded and started Hot starting: The user has opened a small program and then opened the small program again within a certain period of time. At this time, the small program has not been destroyed, but entered the foreground state from the background state After hiding, the official reply page destroyed time refers to almost 5 minutes, the actual situation is uncertain, it may be 5 minutes, or it may be 1 day
The mini program needs to download the update package asynchronously when it is cold-started, and update it in the next cold-start Official update instructions
If you need to apply the latest version immediately, you can use wx.getUpdateManager force the update to restart the mini program, or restart after the user confirms the pop-up window Mini programs (including cold start) will not actively clear the cached data in the local storage. Third-party software such as WeSecure(腾讯手机管家), 360 Security(360手机卫士), etc. can do so

4. Mini Program Life Cycle

4.2 Page Life Cycle


Initialization: Page.onLoad => Page.onShow Page out of the stack (page is closed, such as calling redirect/reLaunch): Page.onUnload The page does not pop out of the stack (page cached to the background, such as calling navigate): Page.onHide

4.3 Component Life Cycle

Component.created => Component.attached => Component.ready (only called at the first render) When moving on the dom: Component.moved The component is unloaded (when conditional rendering) or the page is unloaded: Component.detached Regarding behavior, similar to mixin in Vue, a reuse of component logic. behavior's mixin hook will be called before the component calls its own hook. Such as Component.behavior.created => Component.created. Refer to behavior in the official website Regarding pageLifetime (the component life cycle corresponding to the page): => Page.onShow when displayed; Page.onHide => Component.pageLifetime.hide Refer to pageLifetime in the official website Conclusion: 1. When the page is loaded/displayed, the behaviors life cycle takes priority over the component life cycle, and the component/pageLifetime life cycle takes precedence over the page life cycle; 2. When the page exits the stack/hidden, it is Page.onUnload => Component.detached

4.4 Application, Page, Component Life Cycle execution sequence

The following is the Chinese version, the same content as above.



1. 什么是小程序


小程序运行环境: IOS的webkit(苹果开源的浏览器内核),Android的X5(QQ浏览器内核),微信开发者工具里的nw.js wechat屏蔽了BOM对象,因此传统的JS库大部分都不能使用 小程序仍运行在浏览器模式里,wechat控制生命周期。WXML、WXSS渲染界面。js组装数据,传递数据(setData) 官方小程序文档入口 官方小程序管理后台

2. 小程序的底层架构

2.1 腾讯提供的架构图



2.2 对官方架构图的分析


2.3 小程序的各层通信流程


AppView: 渲染层,AppService:逻辑层 AppService -> 传递数据:setData(Object) -> Wechat JSBridge -> 传递数据:data(string) -> AppView AppView -> trigger event -> Wechat JSBridge -> event -> AppService

3. 小程序的启动


冷启动:用户首次打开,或小程序销毁后被用户再次打开,此时小程序需要重新加载启动 热启动:用户已打开过某小程序,然后在一定时间内再次打开该小程序,此时小程序并未被销毁,只是从后台状态进入前台状态 小程序隐藏后,官方回复指差不多5分钟销毁,实际情况不确定,甚至1天都有缓存
小程序需冷启动时异步下载更新包,下一次冷启动进行更新 官方更新说明
如需要马上应用最新版本,可以使用 wx.getUpdateManager强制更新重启小程序,或弹窗待用户确认后重启 小程序(包括冷启动)不会主动清除storage里的缓存数据,第三方软件(腾讯管家、360手机卫士等)会

4. 小程序的生命周期

4.2 页面生命周期


初始化: Page.onLoad => Page.onShow 页面出栈(页面关闭,如调用redirect/reLaunch):Page.onUnload 页面不出栈(页面缓存到后台,如调用navigate):Page.onHide

4.3 组件生命周期

Component.created => Component.attached => Component.ready(仅首次渲染时调用) 在dom上移动时: Component.moved 组件被卸载(条件渲染)或页面被卸载: Component.detached 关于Behavior,类似于Vue中的mixin,一种组件逻辑的复用。Behavior的混入钩子将在组件调用自身钩子之前调用。如Component.behavior.created => Component.created。 参考官网Behavior
关于pageLifetime(和页面对应的组件生命周期):显示时 => Page.onShow;隐藏时 Page.onHide => Component.pageLifetime.hide 参考官网pageLifetime 结论: 1.页面加载/显示时,Behaviors生命周期优先于组件的生命周期,组件/pageLifetime生命周期优先于页面生命周期;2.页面退出堆栈/隐藏时,则是Page.onUnload => Component.detached

4.4 应用、页面、组件生命周期执行顺序