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Front-end caching analysis #32

Open mominger opened 3 years ago

mominger commented 3 years ago

The upper part is the English version, and the lower part is the Chinese version, with the same content. If there are any wrong, or you have anything hard to understand, especially in the English version(it is modifications based on Google Translate), pls feel free to let me know.many thx.


Based on chrome Browser, analysis of front-end caching The front-end involves DNS caching, CDN caching, HTTP caching, and Browser local caching. This article only discusses HTTP caching and Browser local caching in detail. DNS caching: Generally, it takes about 20ms, and the Browser will cache DNS records by default for more than one minute, for reducing queries to DNS. CDN caching: The user resolves to the CDN DNS server through the domain name, gets the CDN's load balancing server ip address, then obtains static resources nearby.

1. Why do we need to cache

2. HTTP caching flowchart


Service Worker is special. It actually belongs to the Browser local caching, but it also plays an important role in the HTTP caching process. The important nodes in the flow chart are explained below

3.Service Worker

3.1 How to set

3.2 Caching Strategy

3.3 Examples


4. Memory caching

4.1 How to set

4.2 Caching Strategy

4.3 Examples


5. Disk caching

5.1 How to set

5.2 Caching Strategy

5.2.1 Mandatory caching: Expires

Refers to how long it will expire It is an absolute time, in seconds, it is invalid if the client changes the time This is old and has been replaced by the relative time setting of cache-control:max-age of HTTP1.1 Example


5.2.2 Mandatory caching: cache-control
key description
no-cache ETag response header to inform the client (Browser, proxy server) that this resource first needs to be checked whether it has been modified on the server side, modified, response 200 and resource content, unmodified response 304
no-store Prohibited to be cached, cache will be re-requested every time
public Allow proxy servers such as CDN caching
private Do not allow proxy servers such as CDN caching
max-age The maximum effective time of the cache, the unit is s
must-revalidate If the max-age time is exceeded, send a request to the server to verify whether the resource has been modified
s-maxage Similar to max-age, it is used to set the cache time of the proxy server, the priority is higher than max-age
no-transform Proxy server is not allowed to change the file format such as pictures

These values ​​can be mixed View the priority of mixed use no-cache almost = max-age=0, must-revalidate Pragma before HTTP1.0 can also be set to no-cache and used in conjunction with Expire Example


5.2.3 Negotiation caching: Last-Modified & If-Modified-Since

Its unit is s If the file is dynamically generated by the server, a new time will be generated even if the content has not changed. Based on this shortcoming, HTTP 1.1 supplements Etag Step
  1. The server reponses the client of Last-Modified
  2. The Browser saves time and content to disk
  3. Next time request, take out the time and assign value to If-Modified-Since
  4. The server compares If-Modified-Since and Last-Modified
  5. Unmodified response 304, modified response 200 Example


5.2.4 Negotiation caching: Etag & If-None-Match

Etag is the identification of the file, generally refers to the generated hash Its process is similar to Last-Modified, the difference is that the hash value is uploaded through If-None-Match to the server for comparison Note: If the chrome dev tool is set to Disable cache, the upload of If-None-Match will also be disabled, resulting in only response 200 Example


6. Browser local caching

6.1 Storage

type localStorage httponly cookie
Convenience Requires manual access by the developer, does not support pan-domain storage Browser automatic access, supports pan-domain storage
How to use Retrieve manually, add request header Cannot be obtained manually, the Browser automatically handles it

It is inconvenient to store cookies in clear text, it needs to be accessed manually, and it is not safe than httponly cookies, so it is rarely used. sessionStorage can only be used in a page tab, which is not the same as the session technology used in the back-end. The session in the back-end stores the sessionID through cookies.

6.2 Database

7. HTTP cache used business scenarios

7.1 Resources that don't change often

7.2 Frequently changing resources

7.3 Defects

8. Browser local cache used business scenarios

8.1 Performance optimization

8.2 Authentication token

The following is the Chinese version, the same content as above.


前端涉及 DNS缓存、CDN缓存、HTTP缓存、浏览器本地缓存。本文只详细讨论HTTP缓存和浏览器本地缓存。 DNS缓存: 一般消耗20ms左右,浏览器会默认缓存DNS记录,一分钟以上。减少对DNS的查询。 CDN缓存:用户通过域名解析到CDN的DNS服务器,拿到CDN的负载均衡服务器ip地址,就近获取静态资源。

1. 为什么需要做缓存



Service Worker比较特殊,它实际属于浏览器本地缓存,但也在HTTP缓存流程里担任了重要角色. 下面阐述流程图里的重要节点

3.Service Worker

3.1 如何设置

3.2 缓存策略

3.3 举例


4. memory cache

4.1 如何设置

4.2 缓存策略

4.3 举例


5. disk cache

5.1 如何设置

5.2 缓存策略

5.2.1 强制缓存 Expires

指在多长时间内过期 它是绝对时间,单位秒,客户端改了时间就无效
这是旧的,已被HTTP1.1 的 cache-control:max-age 相对时间设置 取代 举例


5.2.2 强制缓存 cache-control
key description
no-cache ETag 响应头来告知客户端(浏览器、代理服务器)这个资源首先需要被检查是否在服务端修改过,修改过,响应200和资源内容,未修改过响应304
no-store 禁止被缓存,每次都会重新请求缓存
public 允许代理服务器 如CDN 缓存
private 不允许代理服务器 如CDN 缓存
max-age 缓存最大有效时间,单位是s
must-revalidate 超过max-age时间,向服务端发送请求,验证资源是否被修改过
s-maxage 和max-age类似,它用来设置代理服务器的缓存时间,优先级比max-age 高
no-transform 不允许代理服务器 改变文件格式 如图片

这些值可以混合使用 查看混合使用的优先级 no-cache 差不多 = max-age=0, must-revalidate HTTP1.0 前 Pragma 也可以设置 no-cache,和 Expire配合使用 举例


5.2.3 协商缓存 Last-Modified & If-Modified-Since

它单位是s 如文件是服务器动态生成,哪怕内容没变,也会生成新的时间。基于这缺点,HTTP1.1 补充了 Etag 步骤
  1. 服务器将 Last-Modified 告知客户端
  2. 浏览器 将时间和内容 存储到disk
  3. 下次请求 将时间拿出来给 If-Modified-Since赋值
  4. 服务器比对 If-Modified-Since 和 Last-Modified
  5. 未修改 响应304,修改 响应200 举例


5.2.4 协商缓存 Etag & If-None-Match

Etag是文件的标识,一般指生成的hash 它的流程和Last-Modified类似,不同的地方是通过If-None-Match上传hash值去服务端比对 注意: 如果 chrome dev tool 设置了 Disable cache 也会禁掉If-None-Match的上传,导致只会响应200 举例


6. 浏览器本地缓存

6.1 storage

类型 localStorage httponly cookie
便利性 需开发者手动存取,不支持泛域存储 浏览器自动存取,支持泛域存储
使用方式 手动取出,加入请求头 手动获取不到,浏览器自动处理

明文存 cookie 既不方便,需手动存取,也没httponly cookie 安全,已很少使用 sessionStorage 会话仅能在一个页面tab里使用,它和以前后台采用的session技术不是同一回事。后台的session是通过cookie存储sessionID

6.2 database

7. HTTP缓存 使用业务场景

7.1 不常变化的资源

7.2 经常变化的资源

7.3 缺陷

8. 浏览器本地缓存 使用业务场景

8.1 性能优化

8.2 鉴权token