mominsamir / smDateTimeRangePicker

Angular Material Date Picker, DateTime Picker, Date Range Picker, Date Time range picker
MIT License
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Suggestion for visible viewport #105

Open PabloPG opened 7 years ago

PabloPG commented 7 years ago

First, sorry for my english :) @mominsamir

When I create an input time list, the viewport does not appear correctly due to scroll, the getBoundingClientRect () function returns a negative bottom, I suggest this:

var bodyRectBottom = (bodyRect.bottom < 0) ? (bodyRect.bottom - window.scrollY) : bodyRect.bottom;

function getVisibleViewPort(elementRect,bodyRect){
  var calenderHeight = 296;
  var calenderWidth = 460;

  var bodyRectBottom = (bodyRect.bottom < 0) ? (bodyRect.bottom - window.scrollY) : bodyRect.bottom;

  var top =;
  if( + calenderHeight  + window.scrollY > bodyRectBottom){
    top = - calenderHeight + 10;

  var left = elementRect.left;
  if(elementRect.left +calenderWidth > bodyRect.right){
    left = elementRect.left - ((elementRect.left +calenderWidth) - (bodyRect.right - 10));
  return {top : top, left : left };
mominsamir commented 7 years ago

Dont worry about English, I am not native English speaker. I will test with module and update if it works.