Closed WangNianyi2001 closed 1 year ago
Also, I noticed that this plugin is putting all the original file in an eval
and overwriting them with pre-configured headers.
This is ultimately unfit with my per-hack situation, since every hack script should have their own custom headers.
Sorry for late reply, I'll take a look into it.
关于这个多入口点的问题,我目前的解决方案是自己写一个用来生成配置文档的脚本,构建时用 npm run
传参给它,而不直接用 npx webpack -c
这个方案也不是不能用,但终归是有点麻烦,因为每次构建的时候都得手动指定一下子项目(比如 npm run pack --project=RainClass --production
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I'm working on a hack script collection where only some are Greasemonkey userscripts. I want to reuse my code between final dist version of the scripts, so I'm using webpack to handle the dist stuff. When I try to pack with this plugin, it just converts all the scripts into userscripts (ending with
), regardless of whether they really is a userscript or not. It doesn't really interfere the final result though, but I'd really like some support on non-userscript filtering.