momodalo / vimtouch

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Crashes at start on Android 5 #78

Open PVince81 opened 9 years ago

PVince81 commented 9 years ago

I upgraded my Nexus 4 to the official Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Since then, vimtouch crashes on start. The window appears shortly with black contents (no text), then after less than a second the window closes itself.

No crash handler is shown, so no idea how to get stack traces in that case.

thistent commented 9 years ago

Same issue on a nexus 5.

rubbsdecvik commented 9 years ago

I too am having the same issue on my Nexus 5 and my new Nexus 9. I will look into getting debugging working on my two devices to see if I can provide any information. I worry this project may be dead, as I don't see any commits since 2013.

rtfb commented 9 years ago

Yes, there hasn't been any development for a long time. But I hope @momodalo will merge a PR if somebody comes up with a fix for it.

nwf commented 9 years ago

I forked the @kvj version and hacked (and slashed; it's not pretty) on it until I had it working on Lollipop. It's not exactly perfect, but it does run. The issue turned out to be how the native code was building paths to the vim executable, I think. Feel free to look around at the changes in and pull whatever's useful.

kvj commented 9 years ago

Thank you, @nwf

I've given some comments on your commits. Please check it out

momodalo commented 9 years ago

I am still strugling in making a release. Will check after that On Dec 13, 2014 3:05 PM, "Konstantin" wrote:

Thank you, @nwf

I've given some comments on your commits. Please check it out

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kvj commented 9 years ago


Yea, my master is quite different from what I've forked from you long time ago. Please let me know if you have any questions

momodalo commented 9 years ago

My current plan is making a workable release base on @nwf first and clean things up later. So if you still have commits want to push, just post here and I will merge them together and do the final test.


On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Konstantin wrote:

Thank you, @nwf

I've given some comments on your commits. Please check it out

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kvj commented 9 years ago


It's OK, but please keep in mind, @nwf upgraded minSdk version from 7 to 17 which is quite restrictive

momodalo commented 9 years ago

Got it. But I would like to make it works only for devices after API-16. Users should be able to get the old version running on before.

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Konstantin wrote:


It's OK, but please keep in mind, @nwf upgraded minSdk version from 7 to 17 which is quite restrictive

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nwf commented 9 years ago

There may be a better fix for the PIE requirement than bumping minSdk to 17; it might be possible to leave the minSdk in the AndroidManifest.xml alone, but the ndk-build script was raising warnings when I did that. :)

My build isn't perfect by any means, either -- the :Q! and save buttons have no effect, though I have no idea if that's something I broke or if it was broke already, for example. That said, it does work and I can edit files, saving with :w as usual. The quick-access buttons at the bottom do work, FWIW.

momodalo commented 9 years ago

Hi all, I got the code compiling and running. As @nwf mentioned, something broken and seems need more work before release. I will take them during my year-end vacation. You guys are more welcome to provide pull request and I will manage to merge.


On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Nathaniel Wesley Filardo <> wrote:

There may be a better fix for the PIE requirement than bumping minSdk to 17; it might be possible to leave the minSdk in the AndroidManifest.xml alone, but the ndk-build script was raising warnings when I did that. :)

My build isn't perfect by any means, either -- the :Q! and save buttons have no effect, though I have no idea if that's something I broke or if it was broke already, for example. That said, it does work and I can edit files, saving with :w as usual. The quick-access buttons at the bottom do work, FWIW.

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momodalo commented 9 years ago

Hi all, I just push a change which includes all from @kvj and @nwf I also fix the quickbar button issue. Will do more test in the next few days and release a new version in the early Jan.


On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 10:35 PM, David Tao wrote:

Hi all, I got the code compiling and running. As @nwf mentioned, something broken and seems need more work before release. I will take them during my year-end vacation. You guys are more welcome to provide pull request and I will manage to merge.


On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Nathaniel Wesley Filardo <> wrote:

There may be a better fix for the PIE requirement than bumping minSdk to 17; it might be possible to leave the minSdk in the AndroidManifest.xml alone, but the ndk-build script was raising warnings when I did that. :)

My build isn't perfect by any means, either -- the :Q! and save buttons have no effect, though I have no idea if that's something I broke or if it was broke already, for example. That said, it does work and I can edit files, saving with :w as usual. The quick-access buttons at the bottom do work, FWIW.

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clausreinke commented 9 years ago

I also fell into the Android 5 trap, but when I look at 2.7r1 on Google Play, it lists "device id and call info" permission. Why is that, and how to get a working vimtouch again without giving extraneous permissions?

clausreinke commented 9 years ago

could the permissions issue stem from manifest merging? In plugins and libraries, there are some low min-sdk values and implicit target-sdk as well. Low sdk values can lead to implicitly added permissions, even where not needed/wanted.