mon / 0x40-web

Pretty images and colours
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Blurring #27

Closed sarahzrf closed 7 years ago

sarahzrf commented 7 years ago

As far as I can tell, you're currently faking the motion blurs by drawing a bunch of copies of the image. I just thought I'd mention that it's possible (albeit kind of hacky) to get genuine 1-dimensional gaussian blurring in canvas using SVG filters: here's a demo.

Sorry to waste your time if you already knew about this and had reasons not to do it this way!

mon commented 7 years ago

I did initially use an SVG blur, but it was incredibly slow - on a full size image, I was getting under 15fps. Quasi blur is the best you'll get for realtime unless I move to WebGL ala Kepstin's hues

sarahzrf commented 7 years ago

Ah, that's a shame :\

sarahzrf commented 7 years ago

Actually, how hard would it be to just transplant Kepstin's code?

mon commented 7 years ago

Annoyingly. Requires an entire rewrite of the rendering pipeline.