Closed metabubble closed 3 years ago
what version of conversations is your chat partner using?
Am Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2020, 10:54:37 CET schrieb Christian Hawkins:
Description of my issue or feature request:
When receiving OMEMO encrypted messages from a conversations client, I get Error while decrypting: iv.length != 12
The Monal version and system version I use:
Version 4.9 (682)
[x] I have cross-check this overview as well es filtered for related labels
Conversations 2.4.2+fcr
Can first you ask to upgrade to the current 2.9.2 please
31 dic. 2020 3:22:27 PM Christian Hawkins
Conversations 2.4.2+fcr
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I advised him to upgrade. he Downlaoded through F-Droid and didn't eralize google play store wouldn't update as it was not purchased there.
All's fine and this issue can be closed.
@metabubble nice! Thank your for reporting - we are happy for all feedback especially currently as lot of changes have been made and are upcoming!
Description of my issue or feature request:
When receiving OMEMO encrypted messages from a conversations client, I get Error while decrypting: iv.length != 12
The Monal version and system version I use:
Version 4.9 (682)
[x] I have cross-check this overview as well es filtered for related labels