monarch-initiative / mondo-ingest

Coordinating the mondo-ingest with external sources
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Create ORDO subset ROBOT template: Delete ``? #514

Open joeflack4 opened 1 month ago

joeflack4 commented 1 month ago


Regarding $(COMPONENTSDIR)/ordo.owl. I noticed it has --update ../sparql/ \.

```sparql INSERT { ?cls oio:inSubset ?subset } WHERE { ?category rdfs:subClassOf phenome: . ?cls rdfs:subClassOf+ ?category . ?category rdfs:label ?categoryLabel . BIND( URI(CONCAT("", REPLACE(?categoryLabel, " ", "_"))) AS ?subset) } ```

But this now seems out of date. With #510, it seems like we don't care about what this query is doing; we don't care what the new/changed ORDO subset labels are. We're mapping these subset classes to the MONDO subset properties we've been using in the past:

    'Orphanet:557493': '',  # disorder
    'Orphanet:557492': '',  # group of disorders
    'Orphanet:557494': '' }  # subtype of a disorder

I can think of additional ways we might want to tweak here. But it seems like we can get rid of

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matentzn commented 1 month ago

Low priority.