monarch-initiative / mondo-ingest

Coordinating the mondo-ingest with external sources
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Create a mondo imports `.owl`? #661

Open joeflack4 opened 2 months ago

joeflack4 commented 2 months ago


Context: I had an issue recently where mondo-ingest was failing because it did not see that mondo#ABBREVIATION was declared as a sub-property of oio:synonymType (#655).

Proposal: Rather than worry about all of the possible complexities of Mondo annotation property declarations, etc, in each repository, we have a repository or artefact in mondo, like a mondo-imports.owl, which has all of these declarations. Then we can import in whatever repos it is needed, e.g. mondo-ingest, omim, etc.


Does one already exist?

I just saw this in catalog-v001.xml: <uri name="" uri="../patterns/definitions.owl"/> However, there is no ../patterns/ dir in mondo-ingest.

Additional info

I'm not aware of this actually causing any problems currently.