monarch-initiative / mondo

Mondo Disease Ontology
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Fix mismatched parentheses in QC check #7830

Closed matentzn closed 2 days ago

matentzn commented 1 week ago

The src/sparql/qc/general/qc-xref-without-source.sparql check had mismatched parentheses which explained why almost no errors where caught correctly. Unfortunately, due to the enormous amount of NCIT and Orphanet errors, I had to drop these from the check..

Fixes #7824

Needs curation now, as more than 60 errors still present. the default solution is to simply delete all of these xrefs from Mondo!

sabrinatoro commented 2 days ago

@matentzn could we remove all the NCIT and Orphanet computationally? If you share a list, I can review a few of these to get a pattern of what we see (e.g. DOID were either without source or source from EFO), and if nothing looks suspicious, we could just remove these too.