monarch-initiative / ontogpt

LLM-based ontological extraction tools, including SPIRES
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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HugginFace API + UnboundLocalError: local variable 'results' referenced before assignment #404

Open SimoneAstarita opened 1 week ago

SimoneAstarita commented 1 week ago

I am presenting these two issues as one, but I don't know if they are related.

I am interested in using OntoGPT with a HuggingFace model remotely i.e. through the API, without downloading the model locally, not even with gpt4all. This seems possible: I could not find an example of someone who has done it, but issues #145 and #146 seem to state it pretty clearly. I understand that implementation is limited to only some models. I pip-installed ontogpt and ontogpt[huggingface] and set my API key with the command "runoak set-apikey -e hfhub-key".

When I used "ontogpt list-models", all models listed showed either GPT4ALL or OPENAI as the provider, while I expected some to use HUGGINGFACEHUB. So, I assumed that perhaps all gpt4all models were also okay to use through the Hub, and I tried to use of those by running the command 'ontogpt complete exemple.txt -m MISTRAL_7B_OPENORCA". However, I got the following error message:

UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'results' where it is not associated with a value.

I also tried to run it on Google Collab and got the following, similar error:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'results' referenced before assignment

Finally, I tried to do the same but without specifying my HuggingFace key and still got that error, so that makes me think I am not actually accessing the Hub. However, I cannot really find information on how to use the HunggingFace API.

caufieldjh commented 1 week ago

Hi @SimoneAstarita, Support for accessing HuggingFace models through their Hub API is currently deprecated - that's mostly because I found it to be very slow. That being said, I'm rewriting OntoGPT's backend to use the litellm package, and that should permit using HuggingFace Hub easily.

In the meantime, you may try something like this:

- model_name: "huggingface/WizardLM/WizardCoder-Python-34B-V1.0"
  model_id: wizardlm
  api_base: ""

I think that should work with both their free and paid API, but OntoGPT is unlikely to work with all models. More details here: