monarch-initiative / owlsim-v3

Ontology Based Profile Matching
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Write some examples/tests that demonstrate some general fuctionalities #31

Open cmungall opened 7 years ago

cmungall commented 7 years ago

from discussion with @pnrobinson, this pseudocode gives the basic idea:

import org.bla.hpoapi.*

ontology hpo = new ontology(bla)

annotationset as = new annotationset(hpo,bla);

double ic = as.getInformationConent("HP:0001234");
ArrayList<Gene> as.getGenesAnnotatedTo("Arachnodactly");
ArrayList<Term> as.getAncestorsOf("Overgrowth");
moving up to items like
double lr as.getLikelihoodRatio(<some phenotype>,<some disease>);
ArrayList<Gene> = as.getHPOandGOIntersectingGenes(<some HPO term>,<some GO term>);