monarch-initiative / owlsim-v3

Ontology Based Profile Matching
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Empty matches with simple configuration file #53

Open jnguyenx opened 7 years ago

jnguyenx commented 7 years ago


ontologyDataUris: []
  - ./Hs_disease_phenotype.txt
  # Skolemize Blank Nodes
  # overwrite iri fragment with '' for unresovable bnodes
  '_':    ''

  # Monarch-specific
  '': ''
  'MONARCH': ''

  'MonarchData': ''
  'MonarchArchive': ''

  # other semantic-web items
  'Annotation': ''  # FIXME - i don't think we're using this
  'dc': ''
  'foaf': ''

  # ontologies
  # [y] indicates those that the monarch team contributes to
  'AQTLTrait': ''  # FIXME - should get integrated into Upheno
  'BFO': '' # BFO: Basic Formal Ontology
  'CHEBI' : '' # ChEBI: Chemicals of Biological Interest
  'CHR' : ''  # CHR: Chromosome Ontology
  'CL' : ''  # CL: Cell Ontology (cell types)  [y]
  'CLO' : ''  # CLO: Cell Line Ontology  [y]
  'CMO' : ''  # CMO: Clinical Measurements Ontology
  'DATA' : ''  # EDAM: Data and Methods Ontology (data artifacts)
  'DC' : ''  # TODO
  'DECIPHER' : ''  # DECIPHER: Deciphering Developmental Disease
  'DOID': ''  # DOID: Human Disease Ontology  [y]
  'ECO': ''  # ECO: Evidence Code Ontology [y]
  'EFO' : ''  # EFO: Experimental Factor Ontology (all kinds of stuff) [y]
  'ENVO' : ''  # ENVO: Environment Ontology
  'EOM' : ''  # elements of morphology phentoypes
  'ERO' : '' # ERO: eagle-i resource ontology  [y]
  'faldo' : ''  # FALDO: Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology (genomic feature properties)  [y]
  'FBcv' : ''  # FBcv: flybase CV (includes phenotypes)
  'FBbt': ''  # FBbt: flybase anatomy
  'FBdv': ''  # FBdv: flybase developmental stages
  'GENO': ''  # GENO: Genotype Partonomy Ontology [y]
  'GO' : ''  # GO: Gene Ontology [y]
  'HP': ''  # HP: Human Phenotype Ontology [y]
  'IAO': ''  # IAO: Information Artifact Ontology [y]
  'KEGG-ds' : ''  # KEGG-ds: KEGG Disease Ontology
  'LPT': ''  # LPT: Livestock Phenotypic Trait Ontology
  'MA': ''  # MA: Mouse Anatomy Ontology [y]
  'MedGen' : ''  # a vocabulary - should this be in purl?
  'MESH': ''  # MeSH: Medical Subject Headings (medical diseases, phenotypes, and drugs)
  'MP': ''  # MP: Mammalian Phenotype Ontology [y]
  'MPATH': ''  # MPATH: Mammalian Pathology Ontology
  'NBO': ''  # NBO: NeuroBehavior Ontology [y]
  'OBA': ''  # OBA: Ontology of Biological Attributes (traits)
  'OBAN': ''  # OBAN: Open Biomedical Annotation Model [y]
  'OBI': ''  # OBI: Ontology of Biomedical Investigations [y]
  'OBO': ''  # all ontologies in the OBO namespace (this is not itself an ontology)
  'OIO': ''  # oboInOwl: obo-specific annotation properties, like synonym types
  'OMIA' : ''  # OMIA: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (animal diseases)
  'OMIM' : ''  # OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (human disease and variants)
  'Orphanet' : ''  # Orphanet: rare diseases and orphan drugs
  'PATO': ''  # PATO: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [y]
  'PCO': ''  # PCO: Population and Community Ontology [y]
  'PR': ''  # PRO: protein ontology
  'PW' : ''  # PW: pathway ontology
  'RO': ''  # RO: Relationship Ontology [y]
  'SIO' : ''  # SIO: SemanticScience Integrated Ontology (information artifacts)
  'SNOMED' : ''  # SNOMED:diseases and phenotypes
  'SO' : ''  # SO: Sequence Ontology [y]
  'STATO': ''  # Statistics Ontology
  'UBERON' : ''  # UBERON: integrated anatomy ontology (metazoans, mostly) [y]
  'UPHENO' : ''  # UPHENO: integrated phenotype ontology, and normal traits [y]
  'UMLS' : ''  # UMLS: unified medical language system
  'UO' : ''  # UO: units of measurements
  'VT' : ''  # VT: Vertebrate Trait Ontology
  'WBPhenotype': '' # WBPhenotype: WormBase phenotypes (nematode) [y]
  'XCO' : ''  # XCO: Experimental Conditions Ontology
  'ZFA': ''  # ZFA: Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology [y]
  'ZFS': ''  # ZFS: Zebrafish Staging [y]
  'ZP': ''  # ZP: Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology [y]
  'WBbt': '' #WBbt:  C. elegans gross anatomy
  'EMAPA': '' # EMAPA: Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed
  'XAO': '' # XAO: Xenopus anatomy and development

  # publication/reference sources
  'DOI' : ''
  'GeneReviews' : ''  # diseases too
  'ISBN': ''
  'ISBN-10': ''
  'ISBN-13': ''
  'ISBN-15': ''
  'J' : ''  # MGI-internal identifiers for pubs
  'MPD':  ''
  'MPD-assay': ''
  'PMID': ''
  'PMCID' : ''
  'AQTLPub' : ''
  'GO_REF' : ''
  'HPO' : ''  # to be used for persons, though they don't resolve with this

  # strains, lines, or organismal reagents
  'APB': ''
  'CMMR': ''
  'Coriell' : ''
  'CoriellCollection' : ''
  'CoriellFamily' : ''
  'CoriellIndividual' : ''
  'dbSNPIndividual' : ''  # FIXME
  'EMMA' : ''
  'JAX' : ''
  'MMRRC' : ''
  'MPD-strain':  ''
  'MUGEN': ''
  'NCIMR': ''
  'RBRC': ''

  # organisms and genome builds  (also NCBITaxon)
  'NCBIAssembly': ''
  'NCBIGenome' : ''
  'NCBITaxon' : ''
  'OMIA-breed': ''
  'UCSC' : ''

  # homology
  'KEGG-ko' : ''
  'PANTHER' : ''   # protein/orthologous families

  # variants
  'AQTL' : ''  # FIXME temporary  # traits
  'CGD' : ''  # diseases, variant instances
  'ClinVar' : ''  # variant+condition
  'ClinVarVariant' : ''
  'ClinVarSubmitters' : ''
  'COSMIC' : ''
  'HGMD' : ''
  'dbSNP' : ''
  'dbVar' : ''

  # pathways
  'KEGG-path' : ''
  'REACT' : ''

  # genes (and RNAs and transcripts)
  'BIOGRID' : ''  # also interactions
  'CCDS' : ''  # transcripty things
  'dictyBase' : ''
  'EcoGene' : ''
  'ENSEMBL' : ''
  'FlyBase' : ''  # also variants, pubs, genotypes, strains
  'GenBank' : ''
  'HGNC' : ''
  'IMPC' : ''  # FIXME
  'KEGG-hsa' : ''
  'MGI': ''  # also variants, pubs, genotypes
  'miRBase' : ''  # microRNA genes
  'NCBIGene' : ''
  'PomBase' : ''
  'RefSeq' : ''
  'RGD' : ''
  'SGD' : ''
  'TAIR' : ''
  'WormBase' : ''  # also variants, pubs, genotypes
  'Xenbase' : ''
  'ZFIN' : ''  # also variants, pubs, genotypes

  # proteins
  'EC' : ''
  'HPRD' : ''
  'NCBIProtein' : ''
  'PDB' : ''
  'SwissProt' : ''
  'TrEMBL' : ''
  'UniProtKB' : ''

  # SEPIO: Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology
  'SEPIO': ''
  'VIVO': ''

  'IMPRESS-procedure' : ''
  'IMPRESS-protocol' : ''
  'IMPRESS-parameter' : ''

  #Drugs, chemicals, compounds
  'CID' : ''
  'DrugBank' : ''
  'SIO': ''
  'OAE': ''
  'RXCUI': ''
  'MEDDRA': ''
  'FDADrug': ''
  'BT': ''
  'UNII': ''
  'GINAS' : ''
jnguyenx commented 7 years ago

@damiansm was trying to make that work.